Chapter twenty five

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Wendy? As in THE Wendy? Bloody hell! This cannot can happening. I thought she was sent back to her family and had died many years ago. How is she here? And still so young? It's like she never even left. But then that doesn't make sense. Peter told me he was the one that sent her back. How could she still be here if he sent her back to where ever she came from?

I can understand why Peter and Jinx both fell for her. She seems completely perfect in every way and I've only just met the girl. She is the exact opposite of me which makes me wonder why  Peter fell for me in the first place. Jealousy has sparked in me straight away and I already hold a great deal of contempt towards her. This isn't going to end well.

Her mouth is slightly pinched in annoyance over seeing Peter with me. She must still have feelings for him otherwise she would have left straight away instead of questioning us. She sobers herself rather quickly though, going back to her polite little smile. This only angers me and I hold back a snarl. If she was trying to hide her emotions, she's not doing a very good job.

"Kyla, Kyla Shade. Though I'm sure I'm not as famous as you are around here," I say with a slight snarl and a twinge of jealousy. I guess I am the jealous type after all. I take a step away from Peter and ground myself, poised ready to fight though I severely doubt she is the fighting type. She looks far too precious. She'd be all too easy to snap in half and this comforts me slightly.

"I heard that you had returned. I wanted to see you and make sure you were alright," she says gracefully, completely ignoring me again. I roll my eyes and walk to the opposite side of the tent, sitting myself on Pan's desk. Peter's eyes follow me, looking concerned. Wendy has walked closer to Peter and I can feel my anger growing. I need to control myself otherwise I might hurt her by accident. Though that wouldn't be such a bad thing.

Peter looks very uncomfortable with Wendy being this close to him and he is very aware that I already don't like her. His eyes move from mine and over to Wendy who keeps inching closer. My upper lip twitches and my eyes bore into the back of her head. She takes no notice of me as usual and continues towards Peter. I fiddle with a random object on Peter's desk, so to keep my magic under control still not taking my eyes off Peter. He's also shirtless which Wendy seems to be basking in and enjoying the view.

"You're hurt, Peter," she says sweetly which seems to really get under my skin. She reaches a hand up towards Peter's cheek where there is a thin gash that I cleaned not 5 minutes previously. Peter grabs her wrist, stopping her hand just before she touches his face. She looks a little confused and I smirk to myself at his rejection of her touch. I know there must still be a part of him that still cares for her the way he used to but not enough to let her back into his life that way again.

"What's wrong Peter?" she asks. Her voice is as light and smooth as a feather making it hard for me to swallow. That may make no sense but what does make sense is the fact that I already dislike this girl.

"Wendy, you have been gone from my life for decades," he says plainly. "I thought you were dead. Do you really think that things would still be the same between us after everything that has happened with Jinx?"

"What do you mean? I've been here this whole time," she says really confused. Peter releases her wrist and scoots away from her as her arms falls to her side. "Jinx came and found me shortly after you sent me home. He brought me back and told me that you knew I was here but refused to see me. Peter you were my friend and I should like to think that you still would be. Perhaps even more than a friend..." 

She trails off, leaning towards Peter. She sits down next to him and somehow maneuvers her hand into his. Her eyes close and she pushes her lips out slowly. I swipe my hand across in front of me and Wendy is blown backwards. I jump down from Pan's desk and storm out of the tent not looking back. I know Pan would have stopped her but it was more satisfying to do it myself. 

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