Chapter nineteen

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"Focus!" Pan says to me for the thousandth time. I drop my arms down by my sides with a huff. I open my eyes and glare at him. I let out a groan of frustration and a sigh.

"I am focused!" I say a little heatedly. I really was trying but I can't do it, no matter how hard I try. "The dust definitely worked but I don't know what it worked on exactly. I still can't access my magic. Tinkerbell must have been wrong. I'm obviously not ready for this."

"Yes, you are Kyla," he says. "Your magic was already starting to wake up and make itself known to you. How else were you able to resist my magic?"

I merely shrug as I don't have a proper answer for him.

"Kyla, you have it within you. You only need to learn to bring it out and then everything else from there is easy. Well, easier."

"You could have just been having an off day?" I suggest , shrugging my shoulders and he laughs at the notion. 

"I don't have off days, Kyla" he says with amusement in his voice. I tilt my head slightly, raising my eyebrows. Peter shakes his head and ignores my disbelief in his claim. "Now close your eyes and clear your mind." I sigh but do as he says, though I'm not entirely sure how to completely clear my mind.

"Now focus on your core, your center, your magic," he says with a bit of wonder in his voice. He sounds like an old man who has completely lost his marbles but I do as he says. 

I visualize a ball of mystical sparkles inside my stomach. I have no idea what magic is supposed to look like. I've seen Peter's is a dark green smoke but I don't know if it is the same for everyone. I've only ever seen him use magic. Well, apart from the faeries but they are different. I imagine the sparkling ball moving out of my stomach into my hands. I feel ridiculous, like a child playing pretend.

I raise my hands and hold them in front of my stomach the way I imagined in my head. As soon as my hands are in position, my palms start warming up and I have a zapping sensation running up my arms. 

"Kyla?" Peter says and I open my eyes to look at him. He's looking at me but not at my face. I follow his eyes down to my hands and shock, relief and joy flood my emotions all at once. In between my hands is an energy ball of dark blue smokey magic. Not what I thought. No sparkles, not from what I can see anyway. I put my hands down by my sides and the ball disappears with a puff.

I raise my hands again, imagining the energy ball again and it appears instantly. I move one hand away and the energy ball shifts and hovers over my open palm facing towards the sky. I smile at magical blue ball in my hands and a thought comes to mind. Probably a stupid idea but I'm curious.

I turn around, raise my hand behind my head and throw the ball at a nearby tree. The energy ball collides with the tree and it engulfs into blue flames. I take a step back and watch the tree. I raise my hand in the direction of the tree, palm facing down. I half close my eyes and wiggle my fingers a little. The flames start disappearing and smoke takes it's place. It's not like normal smoke, it's blue like the fire.

"Why hell did you do that?" Peter asks coming up next to me. "You only just learned how to make an energy ball and your first idea is to throw it at a tree? It's a good thing you're a fast learner."

I shrug not knowing what to say. 

"Hey, I'm making this up as I go. I had no idea that would work. You were right, it is easier than I thought. I thought you were trying to make me feel better by saying once my magic is accessed then everything else is easy. Anyway, now that I can access my magic, let the lessons begin," I say. Peter just looks at me.

"After what you just did by winging it, I don't think there is much I can teach you," he says with a shrug, still sounding a little shocked.

"I think it's better that you teach me rather than me try to use a spell I haven't used before and potentially hurting someone," I say. 

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