Chapter eight

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I'm still trying to breath properly and my heart rate increases. I wasn't expecting him to attack me but I'm not surprised. His smirk always has a negative affect on me which will prove helpful in this situation. He's is overly smug and confident in his abilities. He thinks I'll be an easy beat yet he has never actually seen me in action. This could work to my advantage.

Only problem is that I am completely unarmed. I need to be quick on my feet for this to work. I glance behind Pan's shoulder and take note of the distance to the weapons table. I can also see Pan's assistant watching us but I can't worry about them at this moment.

I return my gaze to Pan. I take note of the dagger in his hand and his grip. I act quickly and I swipe the dagger out of his hand, retrieving it for myself. Pan instantly releases me from against the tree, putting some distance between me and him. More specifically the dagger's reach in my hand. He pulls another blade from his belt and fixes his stance. 

We both pause for a moment waiting for one another to make a move. He doesn't move, so I advance. I charge him but I know he is much stronger than I am and he is also larger than me. Once I'm close enough to him, I throw a fake punch. I draw back just before I hit him. I drop to the ground and roll around him. I come up on my feet and sprint for the table. I grab a sword from the table and spin around just in time to see Pan coming up behind me but not enough time to block an attack. 

He slashes at my arm and my sleeve turns red. I grab my arm and grunt. I obviously don't have time to treat it now so it'll have to wait. Pan swings at me again and I block this time, pushing his blade away from me. He swings again but with his opposite arm, knocking me to the ground. He drops next to me then climbs onto me and sits on my stomach. He knocks my weapons out of my hands, pins my arms above my head and smirks at me.

"Oh yes. You sure know how to fight," he says in a mocking tone, looking overly satisfied with himself. Urgh, there's his over baring smugness again.

"I do smart ass," I sneer at him. "But I don't have to fight against magic usually. It's a cheats way of fighting, same as a pistol. I'm used to fighting dirty but magic is a whole different level. Plus, I'm best at sword craft."

"How is it cheating if there aren't any rules?" He asks, raising a single eyebrow. I keep my mouth shut but roll my eyes in response. He has a valid point but he still has an unfair advantage.

"Exactly what I thought," he says, trying to fight a smile growing on his face. "So, you said you're good with swords? Well, lets assess your skill level and find what we can work on. Then we can move onto other skills. All of my boys know how to use every weapon we have access to. Even if they aren't an expert, they still have the basic knowledge that can keep them alive. You won't always be able to rely on a sword."

"I know that," I say slightly annoyed at his patronizing tone. "Can you get off me now? I don't care for having you on top of me." I'm actually really uncomfortable but I try not to show it.

"Don't like being on the bottom?" He asks with a cheeky smile. I laugh at this although I try not to. I'm pretty sure I blushed as well which is not helpful at all.

Pan releases my arms and climbs to his feet pulling me with him. He grabs his sword that is strapped around his waist. I bend down and pick my sword out of the dirt. I turn it over it my hand testing the balance. It's lighter than my own sword but it will have to do as I have no idea what Pan did with my weapons.

Pan waits for me to prepare myself this time. I assume my stance and give him a nod when I am ready. He nods in return before he advances. He tries a few simple strikes to begin with and I block them all. He's testing me. He takes a step back and looks at me for a moment, then walks around me before he tries again. The attacks are stronger and faster with more finesse. Again, they are easy enough for me to block. After several tries to strike me Pan stops and stares at me.

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