Chapter three

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After scanning my surroundings my eyes fall on Pan, who is standing over me, staring at me as if waiting for an explanation. Well, he's not getting one from me because I don't have one. Instead I take his silence as a chance for me to ask why I'm here. 

"What the hell have you done?! Why did you bring me here?!" I shout at him. He turns and walks off. I get to my feet and chase after him. He walks over to a tent and walks though the opening flaps, closing them behind him.

I let out an angered breath and barge into the tent after Pan.

"Why am I here!? What was the point of bringing me here?!" I ask again, more calmly than before, but still angered.

Pan wipes his hand viciously across the air in front of him and I'm blown backwards. I land on my back hard and I hit my head on the ground. Pan walks over to me, grabs me by the front of my shirt and pulls me to my feet. 

"Keep your mouth shut and you may survive the rest of the day," he says harshly. I set my jaw and he smirks at me evilly. "Good."

He drags me outside by the wrist, where all the boys stop what they are doing immediately and walk over to us. He lets go of my wrist, grabbing onto my upper arm. I'm guessing he doesn't trust me not to run. Smart.

I can hear the boys murmuring among themselves, but one quick look from Pan and they are all silent.

All eyes seem to be on me instead of Pan, and he has noticed my discomfort, because he's smiling that evil grin again. It makes me slightly uncomfortable and I take a small step behind him, trying to block myself from view. I scold the boys and Pan. A few of the boys shift uneasily and Pan lets out a breath. He turns his focus back to the boys and his smile disappears instantly.

"Boys, I have a new game for us to play," he says to them. Their faces all light up with excitement. Pan lets out a little laugh but it's not a friendly sound. "It's one that I've been hoping to play for a while and now we can because we now have out choice participants." Pan looks at me and smirks. "This game is called 'Pirate Hunt'."

My stomach drops. Oh No! Pan's smirk is now a full on evil grin,  knowing what my reaction would be without looking.

"Hook and his crew are on the island and will be looking for something," he says looking at me. He pulls me forward and holds me out in front of him with his hands on my shoulders, holding me in place. "They will be looking for her. I think we need to get to them first before they get to her and kidnap our guest. What do you all think?"

The boys all start cheering and that's when I snap. I yank myself out of Pan's grip with all my strength, spin myself around and punch Pan square in the jaw. He obviously wasn't expecting it as he's knocked sideways and I take my chance to run. I turn back around and try to make a break for it, but Pan reaches out and grabs me around the waist. He lifts me off my feet and  carries me into his tent.

He dumps me on the ground, then swipes his hand in an upward motion and I'm lifted off the ground, now hovering in the air. He grabs me by the front of my shirt and pulls me towards him, until my face is inches from his.

"What are you playing at?" he shouts. "If I were you, I wouldn't test my patience. You'll find that disobeying me will get you into a lot of trouble. You could even wind up dead!"

"Why the hell am I here? You never actually answered me!" I shout back. "I wouldn't threaten me if I were you, either. You have no right to tell me what to do. Why would you expect me to listen to anything you tell me?"

"Because, if you don't listen to me, you will find out very quickly how cruel I can be. Understand?" he asks.

I turn my face away from his and push myself away from him.

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