Chapter twenty two

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I open my eyes and I blink a few times. All around me is just blackness and I can't even see shadows. I try to move my hands to push myself into a sitting position but I find that my hands are bound behind my back. 

I try to move my legs but my ankles are bound together as well.  I try to wriggle my wrists and ankles free but they are done up tight and I can't loosen them. I grunt in frustration and let out a long breath contemplating what what I should do. 

Then I remember I have magic. Duh! Of course. I guess I'm still getting used to that fact. I close my eyes and try to concentrate with all my thoughts to untie the ropes.

"You can struggle all you like my dear," a familiar voice says from behind me in the darkness. "You're not getting out of those ropes. They are enchanted. Even your new found magic can't help you."

Of course they're enchanted! Why the bloody hell would they be otherwise? 

A sudden light illuminates the room and I have to blink a few times to adjust my eyes. Once they have adjusted a little bit and I'm not completely blinded, I see I'm in a room with no windows and no visible exit. It's still relatively dark so I can't quite see where I'm being held but if I had to guess, I'd say I'm in a cave.

There is a tall, male figure walking over to me and I try to move backwards to try to get away from him but I'm already against the wall. The figure's face becomes clear and Jinx kneels down next to me with a wicked smile on his face. If my hands weren't bound I would swing my fist at his face. There is something about the way he looks at me that makes my skin crawl and infuriates me at the same time.

"Comfortable?" He asks with his smile slowly growing and his eye peering over me with a horrible glint. I don't answer his question as it's pointless. I'm not going to give him the satisfaction of seeing me uncomfortable or scared. I do my best not to look frightened but rather pissed off instead.  

"Why am I here Jinx?" I ask, my voice filling with anger but I try to control it and take off the edge. He wants to get me angry and it's working. "What do you want from me?" 

"I thought that would be obvious," he says with a smirk.  He reaches his hand out and drags his finger down my face. I yank my face away and he grabs my face by my cheeks, forcing me to look at him. He isn't being gentle and I have to stop myself from wincing in pain. "I want to keep you away for Pan and his band of followers. He would do anything to get you back. And I would bet he would give up his own life for you. Maybe even, oh I don't know, Neverland?" 

"He would never give up his island, not even for me and I wouldn't want him to," I shoot back at Jinx because it's the truth. As much as I hate being here with Jinx, I hate the thought of Peter loosing his island, his home. I could never expect or ask him to give up his island just to get me away from him. I'm not that selfish. But I know that he's right and that Pan would do anything to get me back just like his boys.

"I think you underestimate how much he cares for you," Jinx says still smiling, only not as big and with a little anger and jealousy, almost, in his voice. What would he have cause to be jealous over? "I think with the right nudge and right type of... persuasion he would do anything for you." And evil look sparks in his eyes and he walks over to me and pulls me to my feet. "Lets go for a walk, shall we?"

He links his arm through mine which are still bound behind my back. He drags me to the far side of the cave, straight towards what looks to be a solid wall. I try to pull away from him but he doesn't flinch and keeps walking towards the wall. I brace myself for impact but the only thing I feel is a slight tugging feeling all over my body for a split second and we are in another cave room. Only this one is brighter with a visible exit.

Jinx doesn't stop and leads me out of the cave which has a length of vines and leaves covering the entrance and moss surrounding the rock concealing it well from the unknowing eye. He guides me through a very thick part of the forest that is unfamiliar to me. It's dark and hard to see through but Jinx navigates it with expertise. I resist his pull but he is quite strong and practically drags me. My struggles do slow us down a fair bit because he is constantly trying to drag me along behind him.

I get tired really easily trying to resist Jinx's pull. Eventually he stops and turns around with a pissed off look on his face. He lifts me off the ground and throws me over his shoulder and continues walking. God dammit! I let out a defeated breath and just stay put dangling over Jinx's shoulder like a rag doll. My arms are in an uncomfortable position as they are still tied behind my back and I still can't use my magic to get out of the ropes. My magic seems to have been neutralized.  

I let my thoughts wander to Peter. I have no idea how long I was gone for or even how I wound up in that cave. The last thing I remember was teleporting out of the camp and everything going black. When I opened my eyes and the light returned I was tied up in that cave. 

I have no clue what happened. It makes no sense at all. The only thing I can seem to think of that could possibly have happened would be Jinx must have interfered with my magic, altering my destination and making me black out in the process. I don't know how he did it. He must have known that we would be coming. 

He must have been watching us, watching my training and Peter and I searching for the boys but having no luck. He would have be reveling in our distress and falsified hope. I still have no idea how he managed to capture all of the boys in the first place. I understand he has magic but if he's that powerful then why would he wait until I'm here to kidnap them all. It was probably punishment and out of anger to what I'd said to him. 

Peter must be worried sick about me. He would have teleported right after I did and would have expected to catch up with me at Jinx's base. He must have freaked out when he found out I wasn't there waiting for him. No doubt Jinx would have gloated that he has me, though Peter would have figured it out for himself by then. 

I wonder if he found the boys? He was so worried about them and it took all my effort and power to stop him from storming Jinx's camp without a plan and getting himself hurt or even killed. Losing me as well means there is no one to keep him from doing something stupid. Please let him have found the boys!

I'm brought out of my thoughts by Jinx's arms around my waist and I'm thrown to the ground. His hand reaches for my wrists and grabs the rope in between. He yanks me to my feet and starts dragging me behind him. I scan around the forest trying to look for something familiar not watching where I'm stepping. I can't find anything remotely familiar to me and I curse under my breath. 

I stumble a few times because it's dark and I'm not watching where I step, as well as practically walking backwards. Jinx never loosens his grip and never looks back at me. I follow him along blindly but we don't have far to walk this time. He lets go of the rope around my wrists still without looking at me. I stay in place because I know better than to run, I learnt that the hard way. I would bet he's expecting me to run anyway.

He walks up to a rock formation covered in moss and foliage. He wipes his hand across the side of the rock, which is over twice Jinx's height, revealing an entrance to another cave. I almost groan aloud. I have found whilst being on this island I have a severe disliking for caves. 

He gestures for me to walk in but I just stay stationary and glare at him. He glares back, waiting for me to move. When I don't move, he swipes his hand in front of him and and I'm blown forward until I'm face to face with him. He reaches around me grabbing my wrist and stares into my eyes with daggers in his, pulling me after him into he cave.

I expected the cave to be cold and dark but it seems to illuminated by a soft glow of white and yellow. I look around in awe as the cave walls seem to be cover in magic, like faerie dust. Jinx continues walking through the cave and I realize that it's a tunnel.

Realization hits me and I hope with all my might that this doesn't lead to where I think it does. Doesn't seem to matter how hard I hope because our destination is exactly the place I feared it would be. 

The cave fades away and is replaced with a scenery of trees and green and sunshine. The trees shimmer in the light and my hearts hits my toes. Jinx stops and I nearly bump into him as I'm still walking backwards. He grabs me on the shoulders and turns me around, placing himself in front of me.

I can feel his evil grin behind my back as he already knows what my reaction will be without seeing it.

We're in Pixie Hollow.

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