Chapter seven

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I wake to the sun lightly warming my skin. I open my eyes and roll over to see a stream of light from the opening of the tent leading straight to my... Pan's cot. I blink a few times to help my eyes adjust to the light and wipe the sleep out of my eyes. I sit up and rub my eyes. I glance around the tent and my eyes fall on Pan's desk, where I see him passed out. 

I swing my legs over the side of the cot and rise to stand on my feet. I walk over to Pan's desk and I stare at him for a while, smiling down at him. He looks so much younger in his sleep. I study the side of his face that is facing up. His features are a lot softer. He has long dark eyelashes that are resting over his cheekbones. The slight curve of his lip, draws my attention. It's the slightest hint of a smile that I haven't seen before. 

I feel a smile grow on my face and I don't bother fighting it as no one is around to see it. I get a strange feeling in the pit of myself but not at all unpleasant. This is going to prove to be a lot harder than I initially thought. 

I notice that his face is resting on a pile of maps. I nearly laugh out loud, but I stop myself because I don't want to wake him. Seeing him like this reminds me so much of Hook. I've lost count of how many times I used to find him like that in his quarters. A pang triggers in my heart. I've only been away from him for a few days but I really miss him. My father is my entire world as I've never had anyone else and being without him is hard.

I lower my head, looking down at his desk to distract myself from my self pity and see it full of papers and ancient writing utensils and tools. I scan the desk, studying each individual item. Most are feather pens and ink pots and a golden sextant which is slightly dirty. Somethings I see are unfamiliar to me as I've not seen them before. 

In the corner of the desk I see a small device. It looks like a large pocket-watch. I gently reach across the desk, careful not to bother Pan. I grab it in my hand and stare at it. It is a bronze sort color and by the looks of it, it's been through hell and back. It has engravings on the top of it which are faded but are still beautiful. I press a button on the side of the device and the cap pops open. This isn't a pocket-watch. It's a compass. 

After watching it for a few seconds, I realize it must be broken. It doesn't point north. The needle just keeps spinning around in a circle. Being a sailor, I know how to navigate by stars and I definitely know how to find north as compasses are a rare thing to come by. Then realization sinks in and I remember that this is the compass Hook has been looking for. This is the whole reason we came to the island in the first place. 

This compass points to the thing the possessor wants the most. Out of curiosity, I hold onto the compass until the dial stops spinning around in circles. It slows pointing in the opposite direction of me to something in front of me. I look up from the compass and my eyes fall on the boy asleep in front of me. 

I slam the lid shut and put it back on the desk where I found it before Pan finds me with it. Just as I do, Pan grabs my arm and lifts his head. I jump backwards and nearly fall over. If Pan weren't holding onto my arm, I would have. He opens his eyes and blinks sleepily.

"Kyla?" he asks sleepily. "What are you doing?"

"I was, uh, checking on you. You were asleep." I reply, trying my best to not sound suspicious. It works because he doesn't question me. He releases his grip on my arm and I rub the area where his hand had just been.

"Yeah, I tend to do that from time to time." he says sleepily. I sits up and rubs his eyes. He looks at me and shakes his head.

"You didn't have to give up your bed for me but thank you," I say lightly, letting him know that I am grateful for it.

"Well I doubt you would have been comfortable with sharing the bed with me, so the desk is fine for now. We'll need to get another bed in here for you," he says making a mental note to himself. My cheeks flush with the thought of sharing a bed with him but I force the thought from my head. No distractions!

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