Chapter thirteen

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As soon as he's gone, I turn and race out of the tree house. Not caring about how high off the ground I actually am, I swing myself off of the balcony and fall straight to the ground.

I land on my feet and roll to take less impact from the fall. As soon as my feet connect with the ground, pain shoots up my legs. I cry out in pain but I don't stop. I force myself to start running. Adrenaline fortunately takes over and I don't feel the pain anymore.

I regret what I said to Pan. The look on his face hurt me probably as much as it hurt him and made me feel awful. He disappeared before I could actually register what I had said and before I could apologize.

I can feel myself starting to unravel and my breathing so uneven. I can feel my cheeks are wet but I don't remember beginning to cry. I wipe my sleeve over my face and it comes away nearly saturated. My hair is blowing around behind me and a few strands stick to my wet face and the sweat on the back of my neck.  I really wish I had something to tie my hair back. I hate having it in my face constantly.

I run for what seems forever before I come to a stream and collapse from exhaustion. Tears well up in my eyes and start pouring down my face again. What have I done? He was trying to apologize and I threw it back in his face. He was shocked and angry at first but once he'd thought things over he must have realized what he'd done to me and how he made me feel. 

I wipe my eyes and look at my reflection. My eyes are all puffy and tears stain my cheeks. I stare at my reflection in the stream for ages, just studying my face. I watch the sunset and the moonrise from the streams reflection. I stare at my reflection in the moonlight seeing myself in a different light. Literally.

All I can see is a stupid, impulsive young girl, who's in way over head. I've done and said stupid thing that I will and do regret, but I just have to learn to live with it. I wish I could take it all back. I should have waited for Pan to come back and find me but no, I ran off. And to make things worse, Jinx found me first and brought back to his camp which would have been a stab in the back to Pan.

I drop to my knees on the bank of the stream, tilting my head back to stare at the stars and the moon. Personally, they look better from the middle of the ocean, but they are still beautiful and calming. 

I let out a long sigh and run my hands through my hair, gripping it a little but not enough to cause pain. I feel more tears slowly start to slip down my cheeks and I let out a shuddering breath. 

I am honestly so lost. He came back for me. I know he initially left but he came back to try to rescue me. Though I didn't need it. And if it weren't for him, then I wouldn't have needed to be rescued in the first place. 

Not that I'm a damsel in distress that need rescuing. I can look after myself. I'm familiar with the island now and would be able to survive on my own, though it wouldn't be ideal. The dark, eerie forest doesn't cause me to hesitate anymore. After months of living here, I've come to feel at home on the island.

At this point, if any creature decides that I look good enough to eat, then I won't protest. I'm exhausted and I need to rest. I'm not sure how long I ran for or what direction I came from so sleeping on the river bank is my best option at the moment.

I don't remember lying down but I fall asleep as soon as my eyes close.

Pan's POV   

When the green smoke clears, I'm standing in the middle of the forest and I'm breathing heavily. I gasping for air as it seems to be running out of my lungs. My heart is racing and refuses to slow.

How could she says that?! She looked me straight in the eye and said she wanted nothing to do with me! I start running without wanting to. I have no idea where I am going. All I know is that I can't just stand still.

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