Chapter twenty three

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Peter's P.O.V

The boys are readying themselves to leave and scour the island for Kyla. Jinx has her and we need to get her back and bring her home. They are all as worried about her as I am. Seems I'm not the only one that fell in love with her. She is a friend to all of them and like a sister to some. They all care for her and love her in a way in a way I never will. I don't want to just be her friend.

I've locked myself in my tent, pouring over my maps and looking for potential places Jinx could be holding her captive. I would have left the minute he appeared saying that he had her if he hadn't of returned the boys to me.  He planned that perfectly. Giving himself time to make his next move while I'd be distracted with the Lost boys. Damn him!

I want my boy all armed with weapons and leather armor for protection in case things go south, in case our search and rescue mission turns to a war between my boys and Jinx's. I hope not. After all, Jinx and all his boy were once Lost Boys before Jinx left and took them all with him. I would prefer to avoid blood shed all together but somehow I doubt that will be an option.

"Pan, the boys are prepped and ready to go," says a stern voice from my tent's entrance. I look up to see Crash standing there. He has been very calm this whole time obviously putting on a brave face for both me and the rest of the boys. I really appreciate it as I'm going out of my mind with worry. If Jinx hurts her or worse I will put him out of his misery personally. I will not let anyone take advantage of her again like what happened when she was younger.

I nod at him and exit my tent. All the boys are gathered in a group awaiting orders from me. I stand in front of them and they fall silent very quickly. This can be unnerving at times that I have this effect on them but in this situation it doesn't surprise me.

"Lets move out!" I shout and they all take off running into the forest. I've no patience for running and searching the old fashion way. I go to flick my hand to teleport but I hear a jingling of bells and a small voice calling my name.

"Peter! Peter!" I turn to find Tinkerbell flying towards me. I look at her with a confused look and hold out my hand for her to land on. She looks exhausted. She is very unsteady and keeps dropping as she flies over.

"Tink? What's happened?" I ask and she falls out of the sky. I quickly reach out to catch her and she lands in my palm.

"Kyla... Jinx... Pixie... Hollow!" She puffs out in a rush of exhaustion. "Kyla's alive... She's in... Pixie Hollow... With Jinx. He... found us."

A wave of emotions flush over me at the same time; anger, relief, fear. I know where Kyla is now and I can bring her home. But Jinx is with her as I knew he would be, he's not about to leave her alone. And they are in Pixie Hollow. Not good. He's found Pixie Hollow. 

After he left and turned on me, we moved and hid the faeries so he couldn't get to them. I knew that he had the potential to go dark so I couldn't risk leaving the faeries where they were. If he has access to their magic then there is no telling what he'll be capable of. 

Now isn't the time to ask questions. Without thinking, I teleport myself into Pixie Hollow with Tink still sitting in my hand. When the smoke clears, I wipe my hand over Tink sending her to a safe place. I look up and I see Kyla sitting on the ground a few meters in front of me with her hands bound behind her back.

"Peter, no!" She screams at me as I rush to her side. I don't listen to her, I'm just relieved to see her alive. I reach her side within a few strides and I kneel next to her, wrapping my arms around her. She leans into me but she isn't trying to hug me. She's pushing me away.

"You shouldn't have done that!" She says with panic in her voice. "You knew it would be a trap and you came anyway. He's going to kill you Peter!" I ignore her rantings and cut through her ropes around her wrists. I help her to stand and she rubs her wrists as they are raw and bleeding. I wipe my hand over her wrists to heal them but they remain the same. I try a few more times until she grabs my wrists stopping me.

"You shouldn't be here! Please, you have to go while you still can." She says with pain in her voice. I give her a don't be stupid  look. Her eyes are glossy and filled with pain and fear. I wrap her in a tight hug, not ever wanting to let her go again. I breath in her scent and close my eyes not knowing when I'll be able to do this again.

"Well isn't this touching," a familiar voice says from behind us. I spin around and come face to face with Jinx. I put my arm out keeping Kyla behind me. "Pan reunited with his lost love. If only she was still his." I look at him with confusion as his evil smirk just continues to grow. He clicks his fingers and I see a red smoke appear behind me and disappear just as quickly.

The red smoke appears next to Jinx and when it clears, Kyla stands next to him and he grabs onto her wrist pulling her close to him. He puts his arm around her back with his free arm while still holding onto her wrist. He's trying to show possession over her and prove that he owns her. Over my dead body!

I go to step forward but I'm frozen in place and I glare at Jinx. He is more powerful than I thought. This is what I feared. Kyla just stands there, not fighting it at all. She must be frozen in place as well. She has a hard expression on her face that matches my own.

"Don't like your own little tricks being used against you, do you Pan?" He says with amusement in his voice which only angers me more. I struggle, summoning all of my magic to try to counter his but it's no use. I'm stuck.

He lets go of Kyla's wrist but is still holding her around the waist, even tighter and holds a finger out to me telling me to wait for it. Then he turns to Kyla and plants his smirk on her lips. 

And I feel my heart sink. 

And my anger explodes.

Kyla's P.O.V

I was not expecting that. Well, OK, I kinda was but I was hoping it wouldn't happen. I will admit he is attractive but he repulses me. He is the biggest sleaze I've ever met and I'm a pirate... Was a pirate.  

I try to push him off me but his magic over powers mine and I'm just frozen in place with his face over mine. He runs his hand up and down my arm and I can feel him smiling over my discomfort and Peter's anger and jealousy. My stomach turns to goo and my emotions become all confused at Jinx's touch.

I try to use my magic to get him off or even enable me to pull away from him but it's useless. My magic has turned against me and I can't even use it now that I need it. So much for being able to defend myself against his magic. Then a thought comes to me. I may not be able to use my magic, but someone else can.

I wiggle my fingers, using all my strength to do so, creating a dark blue smoke with my hand closest to Peter. I send waves of my energy to him since his magic can't over power Jinx's and mine seems to be turning against me, reacting to Jinx's touch. Peter can make better use of my magic at the moment than I can.

He deepens the kiss and all of a sudden, I can move but I'm not in control. My arms move to wrap around Jinx's neck and I'm pulling myself closer to him. He moves his hand over my back and works his way down to my ass and squeezes it.

Kill. Me.Now!

I'm suddenly blown backwards away from Jinx and I see him go flying in the other direction. The wind is knocked out of my lungs when I land and I'm gasping for air. I manage to sit up once I've regained my breath. I'm grabbed from either side and dragged back into the forest. I try to struggle but I'm very weak as I transferred all of my energy and magic to Peter. It'd be like dragging a limp corpse. 

When they stop dragging me, I'm very gently put on the ground and released immediately. My captors coming around the front of me so I can see their faces and I'm relieved to see such familiar faces. Crash and Slightly. They help me to stand, checking that I'm OK  and turn me around so I'm face to face with the entire lost boys camp.

"How did you all find me?" I say, still trying to regain my breath.

"Tinkerbell found Peter but the other faeries found the rest of us and told us that you were being held here by Jinx. We knew that Pan would have come straight here to save you and we weren't about to let him do this on his own," says Slightly. I smile weakly and I look around at the boys.

They are all looking at me as if waiting for instructions. Peter is in trouble and he needs our help but I'm not sending the boys in there. I don't want to be putting them at risk again, but I also need their help as I'm still weak. I don't know what to do.

I let out a breath and think to myself, 'What would Peter do?' I don't know. What would Peter do? He would keep fighting. That's what Peter would do. 

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