Chapter twenty seven

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I wake to the sun lightly caressing my face. I open my eyes slowly, allowing my eyes to adjust to the light. I take in a deep breath but feel pressure on my side as I do so and suddenly become very aware of a sleeping body behind me. I seize up, remembering my dream/hallucination from earlier. I turn my head to see the owner of the body already looking at me and I smile at him, relaxing myself.

I turn my whole body to face him and rest my head back against the pillow on the bed. I'm very surprised we both fit on this cot but I don't at all feel squished. I glance around behind me and Peter and see that there is extra bed on both sides. 

"I worked a little magic to expand the bed," Peter explains obviously noting my confusion. He leans forward, planting a kiss on my forehead followed by my mouth. "I didn't want to leave you alone and I was tired as well."

"I'm not complaining, " I say sleepily trying to sound cheeky. Peter offers me a weak smile which worries me and I remember what happened.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you," I say to Peter but he stops me from continuing by planting his mouth on mine, kissing me softly. I don't hesitate to return his gift.

"You've nothing at all to apologize for," he says against my mouth. I stare into his eyes before nuzzling my head against his chest and he envelopes me in his arms.

We stay wrapped in each other for ages before Slightly comes in with a selection of fruits and meats for us to eat. He tells us that we've been asleep for quite a while as it's now the next day. He updates us, while we eat, on their progress on finding an antidote and so far, they've found nothing. Even the faeries can't help us at this point. A bit of good news is that Wendy hasn't been seen since early yesterday morning. Peter doesn't seem overly concerned by this news either which makes me, almost, laugh.

Peter and I drag ourselves out of bed and head out into the camp. We need to find answers or an antidote but seeing as the faeries have no idea how to stop it, I've no idea where to begin. Peter leads us out of the camp after stopping by the weapons tent and loading up. I've no idea where we are going but I don't question him as he knows this island well and might have an idea on where to look for answers. He takes a hold of my hand, guiding me through the forest. I know that he is worried about me and I don't blame him after yesterday. 

After walking for a good 20 minutes, we emerge from the forest onto the beach. I can smell the sea air instantly and I feel whole. I've missed this so much. I close my eyes and take large gulps of air through my nose. Peter squeezes my hand and I open my eyes to look at him. He smiles at me and I smile right back.

"This way," he says lightly pulling on my arm. 

He leads me towards a cove just to the right of where we were standing. I hear giggling and splashing before anything else and I know instantly where he is taking me. I almost groan aloud. Last time I was here, they tried to drown me. When we round the corner to where they all sit, they notice Peter instantly.

"Peter!" They all yelp in unison and makes me roll my eyes.

"Hello ladies. Looking lovely as ever," he says casually causing them all to giggle. Mermaids, so I've found out, have very delicate egos, so if you play to their egos you are surely to get what ever you want out of them. Especially if you are an attractive young man like Peter.

"What is she doing here?" one of the mermaids asks almost sadly. He stunningly beautiful long blonde hair is almost completely dry and is utterly flawless. She eyes me off, not liking that I still hold Peter's attention away from her and her fishy friends. 

"She's with me. I have a question for you ladies," he says charmingly. "The faeries don't have an answer for me and I was hoping that you would know everything that they don't."

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