Chapter twenty six

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Peter ushers me into our tent straight away, bandaging my wound instantly and practically forcing this tonic down my throat. claiming it will slow the poison. I wince from the pain as he does so. For only a small cut, it hurts a lot. That must be the Nightshade running through my blood stream. He is trying his best to hide his emotions but I can see how frightened he is. I don't blame him. I'm completely terrified at this point. My life is slowly leaving my body and in a few days at most, I'll be nothing but a corpse. 

I've been staring out into the distance while Peter has been cleaning me up I don't even notice when he finishes. I'm so wrapped up in my thoughts and fears that my eyes have blurred out of focus. I don't realize that I'm crying until I feel a someone wiping away my tears with his thumbs. I don't have to guess who it is. As soon as he touches my cheeks, my eyes blur back into focus and I feel more tears run down my cheeks.

Peter eyes are glued to my face, meeting my gaze with the same pained expression I feel and probably have all over my face. His eyes are glossy and his own cheeks look tear stained. I was trying to be strong for him but that hasn't worked out very well. I put on a brave face for that boys but seeing as Peter and I am alone, the mask comes off. 

My head drops and Peter embraces me in a protective hug, burying his head in my shoulder. My hair is in his face but he doesn't seem to care. I wrap my arms around his neck, holding on for dear life. He holds me tight, not likely to let me go soon.

"I can't lose you Ky," he weeps into my shoulder. "I've lost too many people that I care about. I'm not letting you join that list."

I don't quite know how to react or how to comfort him. I've never been in this situation before. Living on a pirate ship with a group of men, none of them really show any sort of grief, even when we lose crew members. I wish I knew how to make Peter feel better but I don't know what I'm doing but I'll try regardless.

"You won't lose me Peter," I promise him even though it's not a promise I can keep. "We will find a way to combat this poison. You can't get rid of me that easily."

He stifles a slight laugh which warms me a little. He doesn't pull away yet or loosen his grip on me. I allow myself to lean into him completely as Peter isn't likely to let me go anytime soon. His earthy scent overcomes me and I find myself intoxicated by a single whiff. His strong arms grip my middle and I can feel his muscles tight around me. I run my hands up and down his arms in an attempt to sooth him. It works slightly as I can feel him relax under my touch. 

His breathing slows and changes from shaky breaths to long and deep ones. His heart rate suddenly increases and raises his head from my shoulder and looks directly. His face has sobered and holds a stern expression which confuses me. His mouth suddenly peaks at the side into a cheeky smirk which gives me a funny feeling in my stomach. 

He lets go of me and grabs a hold of my hands which are still on his arms. He traces my palms with his thumbs and kissing them both. He looks up at me and grins. He yanks both of my arms and I fall against him and his arms wrap around me again. His head dips and his mouth finds mine. I seize up for a split second before relaxing against Peter. 

As much as I hate to admit it, I still haven't fully recovered from the failure of my last relationship with Will. After what he did to me, having any man this close to me scares me and makes me flinch. I absolutely hate it especially being here with Peter. I know he would never hurt me but I can't stop myself from reacting in the way I do.

Peter either doesn't notice or just doesn't care that I flinched. He knows of my past and would understand anyway. He parts my lips with his own and deepens the kiss, pulling me closer to him. His hand sits just above my ass. He doesn't move it down but I think he wants to. He isn't going to do anything without making sure I'm OK with it first. He is so incredible. I press my hands against his chest and lean against him. My hands slip up and around his neck drawing him closer.

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