Chapter four

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I've been tied up here on the tent wall all night. My stomach starts to growl with hunger. Thoughts keep turning around in my head about what's going to happen to me and what's going to happen to my father and his crew. I dosed off sometime during the night. I don't know what time I fell asleep and I've no clue what time it is now but the sun is shining bright through the tent opening. 

The camp is quiet so it must still be early. My wrists, ankles and stomach are painful from supporting my weight all night. I look up at my wrists and they look pretty raw though I don't see any signs of blood.

The surrounding silence is met by hushed whispers. Seconds later, the whispers die down and a male silhouette appears in the opening to the tent. It could have easily been a female silhouette but I'm the only girl on this damn island. I can't see who at first because the sun is too bright.  

But I know who it is anyway before he moves further into the tent. He waves his hand, my restraints disappear and I collapse on the ground. I reach for my wrists inspecting the broken skin where the vines were wrapped tight. My wrists are red and would have probably started bleeding had I not been let down. 

I look up to see him standing over me, the sun shining through his hair. He holds out his hand to me. I just stare at it trying to find it's purpose. After deliberation, I put my hand in his and he helps me to my feet, till I'm face to face with him.

I never noticed how tall he actually is. He is nearly a head taller than I am and his eyes seem lighter than before, softer. They are still a dark green that seem to hide a million secrets but they don't look as angered as they did before. 

He lets go of my hand and says "You must be hungry." He walks out of the tent with me trailing behind him. 

He leads me over to a log and gestures for me to sit. I do, and he hands me a plate. On it is a leg from what looks to be either a chicken, turkey or some other bird. I don't argue and take a bite. The meat is tender and juicy. I've learned after years on a pirate ship not to question what it is because most of the time, you don't want to know. Food is food.

Once I've finished, Pan walks back over to me and helps me to my feet. He lightly grabs hold of my arm. He's careful not to grab my raw wrists. He looks done at my arm and hovers a hand lightly over my wrist. My skin instantly heals, leaving it smooth and slightly pink. I raise my other wrist to check it and Pan does the same with this one, leaving the same result.

I look up at him with a questioning glance but he has a unreadable expression on his face. I open my mouth to ask him why he healed my wrist but he grabs a hold of it. Lighter than before but still a firm enough grip that I can't wriggle out of. Even though his mood has changed and he is being more hospitable, he doesn't trust me not to try to make a run for it. He's right not to as I would make a run for it the first opportunity that I got.

"Boys!" he calls out. Immediately, every turn their attention to Pan. "I'd like to introduce you all to someone." He turns to me, releasing my arm and gesturing me forward. "This is Kyla, and I want you all to make her feel welcome."

A few boys nod in my direction and others offer me a welcoming smile. Some just go straight back to what they were previously doing. Doesn't bother me. I'm not going to be here for much longer and I'll hopefully never have to see any of them again.

I turn to walk back towards the tent and Pan lets go of my wrist instantly. I walk through the opening and collapse in a chair. Pan walks in a while after I do and walks over to his desk set up on the opposite side of the desk. He sorts through a bunch of old papers on his desk which I soon recognize to be maps.

I stand and walk over to his desk and stand in front of it. He looks up from his maps for a split second before returning his attention to them. I wait for him to question or hide the maps from my sight.

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