Chapter six

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My anger reaches it's maximum and then explodes. I'm suddenly blown sideways, out of Pan's arms and Pan is blown away from me. I land on the ground and roll a few times until I stop. I try to get up but I'm pulled to my feet by Pan. I have no idea how he recovered so quickly and made it over to me within only a few seconds. He holds a tight grip on my wrist but his face holds worry and confusion. I'm that angry at him that I don't even bother asking about what just happened.

"I am not yours!" I shout at him. How could he think that I am his! He is delusional if he thinks I want anything to do with him. I try to hit him out of anger but he is too fast and grabs my wrist with his free hand. I don't struggle this time, knowing it is useless. 

"Oh, but you are!" he says. His recovery from his shock was quick. "You just don't know it yet. You were mine the second you set foot on my island. You are mine along with everyone else on this island. You are under my care and you will obey my rules. There is no way off this island."

I let out a defeated breath and slowly sink to the floor. Pan kneels down next to me still holding my wrists. I look up at him, gazing into his dark green eyes. His expression has softened ever so slightly. His gaze still holds concern for me and his eyes wander to my blood stained clothing. I shift under his gaze as he looks like he wishes to help me and it's very disconcerting. 

"I will find away off this island," I say. I am determined to get away from him and this place. "I will find a way to get away from you and your boys. You can't keep me here forever." This is obviously amusing to him because he laughs at me. I look at him with confusion as I have no clue what he finds this funny. I wasn't joking.

"When you figure out how to get off Neverland, let me know. I'm as much a prisoner as you are," he says. 

What? Did he just say he can't leave either? He's trapped here too? Is he being serious or is this just another trick to get me to do what he wants? That isn't possible. This is Neverland and he's Peter Pan. He can't be trapped here. And there is a way off this island. My father has come and gone from here a few times so there is a way to leave. How could Pan not know this? He's probably just trying to mess with my head.

"Until then, you will be here." He continues. He lets go of my wrists and rises to his feet. He offers me his hand but I get up on my own without his help. "The boys and I will look after you and teach you how to live off the land. You will listen to me or you will end up getting yourself killed. The boys and I pose no threat to your life but Neverland is dangerous. I'm not the bad guy here, Shade. You may think that I am but I'm not. I'm just trying to protect my family. Surely you understand that."

"What makes you think I want anything to do with you?!" I yell, anger staining my voice. I do understand that but I'm still pissed off. I have a right to be. He's been hunting my crew as well as myself. Who knows what could have happened or who could have gotten hurt. I'm not just going to forgive him like that. "You have made a game out of hunting the only family I have ever known. And on top of that, you sent the boys out to hunt me as some grand prize!"

"I just wanted you back at the camp! Neverland is a dangerous place for someone who doesn't know the island. Plus, you tried to run away. I told you there would be consequences," he says.

I don't believe what I am hearing! I know what he told me, but that doesn't give him the right to hunt and possibly kill my father and his crew. I guess if any of them are alive, then their lives are in my hands and will depend on how I behave. Whether I like it or not, I need to try to play nice with this guy and his friends or I'll be the reason for the death of my father and my crew.

"I know I shouldn't have tried to run, but what would you have done were you in my shoes?" I ask him. "You've taken me prisoner, threatened my family and made a game of hunting them and me, you've been cruel as well as kind... Can you seriously blame me?" He lowers his head and lets out a breath.

"I apologize for that. I've been known to have a temper." He says to me in response. I'm taken a back by the apology but I'm glad to hear it. "How about I make you a deal?" I nod at him waiting for him to continue. "I'll call off this game and I'll leave the pirates alone and in return you don't cause any trouble on my island. You'll stay with us for the remainder of the pirates stay. When they leave, you can go with them if you are still able to and still wish to. Deal?"

"Still able?" I ask in confusion. " Why wouldn't I be able to leave?" He doesn't answer but continues staring at me. Instead of asking any more questions I nod and agree to his terms. I'm not just playing with my life alone here. There are many lives in my hands that I need to look after and I'll do whatever it takes to keep them safe.

"Take my hands," Pan says holding out his hands for me to grasp. "We best be getting back." I let out an exasperated breath and I put my hands in his. A puff of green smoke surrounds the both of us as it did before. When it clears we're standing in the middle of the Lost boys camp surrounded by the boys. It's nearly completely dark by now and the camp is lit by the massive bonfire and torches set up throughout the camp. 

All the boys cheer and exchanges comments, all themed around not standing a chance against Pan. I just stand there with my arms crossed over my chest and rolling my eyes. I contain myself as I'm not impressed by any of this but I stay quiet and just take it. I can have quite the temper too which I've gotten from my father so I need to maintain my composure as best I can. I obviously have some sort of magical... something inside me that is protecting me and I don't want to hurt anyone even though I dislike them all. 

"So I guess I win," Pan announces and the boys cheer again. "So now to figure out who came second." The boys all stay quiet and shift uncomfortably. It takes a minute before a brave boy steps forward and says something.

"No one comes in second," he says. "We were all looking for Kyla that we didn't bother about the pirates. It then came down to the last hour and we realized that no one had Kyla. We all started searching for the pirates, but none of us found a single pirate." He bows his head is apology.

Pan sighs with fake disappointment, as he knows that none of the pirates had been captured. This is a relief hearing that none of the crew were found. They were all preoccupied trying to compete against Pan for the capture of one 'damsel in distress'.

"I am extremely disappointed in you all," he says. He sighs and tsks at them.

"What do we do now?" asks Felix.

"You, go get cleaned up. You're all caked in dirt and smell awful!" he says then turns to me. "While I," he walks over to me, puts one arm on my back and the other under my knees and lifts my up into his arms. "Am going to take my prize and retire for the night."

My face must have been priceless, because the boys all crack up laughing. I look up at Pan's green eyes and he winks at me and smiles an cheeky, evil smile. This is a side of him I haven't seen and a side I didn't think existed. I'm too shocked to move or do anything. I'm curious to see where he is going with this. This is a massive change to 10 minutes ago.

I should jump down from his arms but for some reason I can't and I know it's not Pan stopping me. I kind of don't want to. For some reason I plan along with his little charade, because I have a hard time believing that this is real.

Pan turns and carries me over to his tent. Most of the boys all run off to clean themselves up but a few linger and stare after us and snicker. I'm in too much of a shock to do anything so I just sit there. He walks through the opening flap sideways, avoiding hitting me with the flap of the tent. He stands in the tent awkwardly for a few seconds no knowing what to do.

"You can put me down now," I say shyly and he smiles at me weakly, looking a little embarrassed about what he just did. He carries me over to the cot set up on the opposite side of the room and sets me down gently. This is obviously his cot that he is giving up for me to rest. This sudden change is starting to freak me out. What is he trying to achieve with this?

"Get some sleep," he says lightly. "You must be tired and you're going to need your strength tomorrow."

I nod lightly and lie myself down on the cot. Peter grabs a blanket at the foot of the bed and pulls it up over me, tucking it against me lightly. His hand brushes my cheek lightly, causing me to shiver but not from the cold. God dammit! I can't let myself do this but it's near impossible to resist.

I'm absolutely exhausted from today and I fall asleep almost instantly. 

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