06. What I Do For Love

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imagine uan harry or like fetus times ☺


Harry's POV: 

I stand outside dumbfounded, not really expecting the rejection. The way her face seemed paralyzed temporarily before a crossed look overtook her features made my chest tighten with discomfort and uneasiness. Frustrated, I kick a nearby pebble and watch it tumble away, helplessly falling off the sidewalk onto the edge of the street. The girl inside left the window and I can only assume she went to bombard Selena with questions or gossip about my surprise presence; groaning, I take a seat on her front porch and rub my face with my hands. I need to make her see I'm the ideal guy for her--I'm not giving up on her. Zayn's previous warning repeats in my mind and I attempt to shake off the discouraging assumption. No one knows Selena more than me, except maybe her family. Determined, I begin to head home with ideas stirring in my mind.

Selena's POV: 

Over the past few days, I have been working in the tattoo shop, getting the hang of the operations and daily tasks. It is a nice, for lack of a better word, job and I enjoy the company of Ed and Zedd; they are both hilarious and kind-hearted. I admire the dedication they put into perfecting everyone's desires onto their skin in visible ink and their caring nature that is showcased when they delicately handle all their clients. Simply put, I am incredibly fond of my employment at the place. 

"Look at you," Zedd teases, wolf-whistling to express his amazement, "you've just started and you're already earning a decent portion of our profits." I blush a little at his compliment before shrugging with an innocent smile. It's been about four days and I have not only enough money for Paul's stupid injury that he basically asked for, but also extra for my own savings.

"I might even ask you to finish a part of my sleeve for me," Ed jokes and the three of us laugh a little. We are currently on a lunch break; they had shot me multiple questions about why I wasn't in school and after informing them that I'm on a temporary suspension, they worked around time slots for me to fill in for when I return to attending classes. Later, I also planned on visiting the alleys and taking an empty wall; overall, I welcome being busy because the tasks keep my mind off of my previous encounter with the principal's son. 

My mind flashes back to that day after I shut the door in his face--Holland wouldn't stop questioning me about him and claiming that we would be the power couple. Harry is pretty much everybody's dream guy in school and I just know we aren't the type of people who should associate with each other. He is way too friendly, sociable, and out-going; I'd prefer keeping to myself and participating in more low-key events. 

After aiding in bandaging a few more customers at the parlor, I realize it's about time to head to school to check on Matt. I clean up the station, mindlessly scrubbing the utensils while my mind wanders. When all the tools reek of rubbing alcohol, I carefully store them in a clean compartment, slipping my gloves off. With my bag on my shoulder, I stash today's earning in my pocket and give Ed and Zedd a hug goodbye. 

When I arrive at school, Matt's hand wraps around my arm within seconds.

"Whoa, somebody in a rush today?" I raise an eyebrow at the kid, who usually is a lot less energetic and frantic. 

"It's Paul," his eyes widen with anxiety and I immediately tense, scanning his appearance from head to toe. 

"What about him? Did he hurt you again?" I frown, clutching onto his shoulders but I don't see any visible damage.

"No, but Harry Styles just started a fight with him," he pants and my face twists into confusion. Harry starting a fight? I release my grip on him before following his finger with my eyes. When I land on the sight of Harry pushing at Paul's chest, I place a hand on Matt's back, motioning for him to remain in his spot. As I approach the two I notice how easily Paul removes Harry's touch and pins him against the lockers. 

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