31. Revival

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4 more chapters...!!! 
i'm not sure what's coming after this because i have like 2-3 short stories and 2-3 long story ideas...we'll see what i'm feeling first LOL

Selena's POV:

Although Derek was pissed at first over the whole expulsion thing and Crystal and Tyler were pretty disappointed, they have been nothing but supportive recently. I distanced myself from my friends, feeling doubtful of everything and really just wanting to be by myself. The past two weeks have been a time of self-rejuvenation and me focusing on art. I've gone to work a few times during the hours I'd usually be at school, seeing Zedd and Ed and confiding in them about my life. On some weekends, I'd visit the daycare area, not wanting to risk seeing Harry picking up Molly. I haven't spoken a word to him since the time he confessed what he did. Everytime his name flashed on my phone, I refused to answer; I know that's unreasonable of me but I just wasn't ready to hear his voice yet. 

"Sel, are you ready to go?" Crystal stands in the doorway of my room as I turn around.

"Yeah," I straighten out the creases at the bottom of my emerald green dress. The top has a criss-cross gap; it's simple and elegant. 

"You look beautiful. I'm so proud of you," she stares at me almost in awe, like a satisfied parent, and I even find the strength in me to smile back. I hear footsteps and Tyler joins her, reflecting the same look. He extends an arm out and chuckling, I take it, allowing him to lead me down to the area. 

Eleanor's POV: 

"This is so beautiful," I gaze at all of Selena's works in pure admiration, "she's so insanely talented." Louis and I hold hands as we walk around, reading all the captions and studying the art our friend created. Even though she's been limiting contact with us, we still fully support her. We all know her staying away is just a self-mechanism she uses to protect herself from getting hurt and it's completely understandable.

Just as we catch a peek of her, we notice she's talking to a man in a suit, her hands aiding her as she passionately explains, most likely, something about one of works. 

"Babe, do you see that pin on his satchel?" Louis squints and I follow his eyes, "Isn't that the emblem for Harry's uni?" 

"Do you think it's a recruiter looking for talent?" 

We both glance at each other with smiles crawling onto our faces. Maybe fate is trying to help Harry out a bit.

Gemma's POV: 

"Mum, she's amazing," I take photos of every single piece. My mother hums in agreement, transfixed herself at what Selena's capable of. Each work managed to share a story and I feel like I learned so much about Selena through the paintings. It's as if she spilled her heart out on multiple canvases. 

We've managed to walk around the majority of the studio and according to the pamphlet given to us at the entrance, there is only one last piece left unseen by us. When our feet lead us to the final corner, we notice a crowd of people. Viewers that are leaving and clearing up spots for Mum and I to take, whisper about how it's the best and highlight piece. 

Once the people previously covering the work leave, the work is finally revealed to us. 


In front of us is a sketch of Harry that was ripped to shreds and taped back together onto a canvas. Mum bends down to read the title of the piece and the explanation underneath it.

"Fix You - charcoal sketch by Selena Gomez

And the tears come streaming down your face
When you lose something you can't replace
When you love someone, but it goes to waste
Could it be worse?"

We hear footsteps pause behind us and when we turn around, we see Selena, who's a bit shocked that we're here. 

"Oh God, this is so awkward," she cringes once we all realize what work we're in front of. 

"It's very lovely," my mum nods in appreciation.

"Well, the muse was," she says ever so quietly, looking a bit apprehensive and nervous. Seeming to read her mind, I clear my throat to answer her.

"He's not here."

Her shoulders visibly relax and she straightens her posture with a tight-lipped smile. 

"Are you staying all night?" Mum changes the topic as she shakes her head.

"My uh, siblings want to take me out for a celebratory thing at my parents' old favorite diner. I'll have a friend lock up the place for me when the time closes," Selena twiddles her fingers. After some comfortable silence, my mum compliments her once more as we begin to do a second round, wanting to see some of the drawings again. 

Once out of sight, I slip my phone out of my pocket. 

To: Harry


From: Harry

"She won't want me there."

To: Harry

"She looks gorgeous."

From: Harry

"She ALWAYS looks gorgeous. Nothing new, Gem."

To: Harry

"She said she's leaving early to go out with her siblings. Get your ass out of bed and be here. There's something amazing you HAVE to see."

Harry's POV:

I manage to at least sit upright in bed, leaning against the backboard. My eyes remain glued on the screen as I debate about going. What if we bump into each other? What if she kicks me out? What if I ruin her night?

Gemma did say she was leaving though...

After running my hand through my hair thirty-seven times, chewing my lip until it hurt, and furrowing my eyebrows so much I'm pretty sure the center of my forehead has a dent, I finally get up.

Fuck it. 

I throw on my nicest button up shirt and the usual skinny jeans ensemble and comb my hair a bit. Glancing at the clock every so often, I speed up my driving, tapping against the dashboard out of anxiety at every red light. By the time I manage to park, I notice many cars pulling out. When my eyes dart to the time, I realize it's going to close soon. Closing the door, I walk in with my hands in my pockets. At the front, I take a pamphlet and begin to stroll around, my eyes scanning and studying each work in full detail.

God, she's absolutely amazing. 

It feels just so great to see everything with my own eyes. I felt like I was being teased and taunted by everyone the whole night. Louis and Eleanor kept texting me about how beautiful she looked and how I missed out on her wearing a dress that made her look divine. Liam, Niall, Zayn, and Perrie were posting some of the pieces online and Gemma wouldn't shut up on the phone over the last work that I've actually yet to seen. I'm curious as hell how that particular one could be so outstanding if all the ones I've seen so far are already breath-taking as hell. When I wander into the corner following Gem's instructions, I tilt my head up only to widen my eyes. 

It's me. 

Reading the information underneath, I suddenly feel an ache in my chest. I'm speechless and my heart just yearns for her presence. I stand here as long as I can even when the lights slightly dim, my silhouette remaining in front of the picture.

Fix You ✧ ((Harry Styles/Selena Gomez))Where stories live. Discover now