22. Let It Go

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i know its been a long time but i just finished midterms this week. and being real, i feel like my writing is sooooo bad now like it's just not pleasant to read anymore? i just have a lack of way to explain myself and all but i'm going to try to get better on it and fix my funk. on the other note, REVIVAL IS AMAZING AF I LOVE IT SO MUCH I CRY AND SO IS PERFECT AND THEY BOTH HAVE SONGS CALLED PERFECT YOU KNOW WHAT ELSE IS PERFECT--THEM


Selena's POV:

When a rock hits my window, I can't help the smile that once was foreign to my face to appear. A dork currently resides outside, a story below, standing in his familiar black tee. The fabric stretches as he waves his newly but nicely toned arms, a cheesy grin plastered on as usual. His swallow tattoos are on show thanks to the scoop neck fashion of the shirt and a smirk finds its way to his face once he follows my eyes. I shake my head before shutting the thin light blue chiffon curtains and taking my time to run down the stairs. As I make my way with each step having a little more life than I ever showed my whole existence, my heart nearly lurches up into my throat at the sudden fright.

"Jesus, Crystal. Are you trying to scare the shit out of me?" I pant with my hand over the affected area, slightly out of breath.

"I've never seen you so happy going somewhere. Does this involve a certain boy waiting outside?" she grins mischievously, asking something she obviously knows the answer to. My only reply is an eyeroll as I shove by her towards the door, leaving trails of Crystal's taunts behind me. I'm content with the view of his back muscles through his tee as his long legs lean against the hood of his classic black Range Rover.

"Thanks so much for the hook-up. It made her very happy," the familiar husky voice drips like drops of honey, sweet and alluring. My smile falters once the sentence he said repeats in my mind, playing over to the extent that I begin to feel uneasy at his statement. 

"Hey, uncle, I gotta go. Talk to you soon," he slips his phone back into his pocket as he pivots his feet, his smile and arms alike wide for me. As he attempts to swallow me in his oh so nice biceps, I fight the temptation to give in to what seems like an exceptionally warm hug and manage to keep my hands raised up, pushing his gesture away. 

"What? Do you not want Crystal to see?" he teases and instantly, I whip my head back only to see my cheeky sister-like figure giggling in the window to herself. With a quick flip of the finger, I shrug her off and face the guilty with a stern face.

"What were you talking about on the phone?" I honestly never pictured myself to be someone who demands for information and shamelessly pries.

"It was just thanking my uncle for like doing this for you," he casually throws out.

"You pulled strings for it to happen." 

"Well, I mean, kinda? He wouldn't have known if I didn't show him your amazing art," his hands brush up my mine, slowly sliding towards my arms but I roughly shake him off.

"I don't want to do this anymore," I force myself to breathe or else the pent-up frustration inside me will blow.

"What? Why?" the surprised look on his face bothers the hell out of me. We talked about this before. 

"I want my own success. I want people to know my name because my work touched a stranger and then multiple strangers. I don't want to achieve stuff because of sources close to me."

"I just gave him a glimpse and he was geniunely impressed. It wasn't like I pushed him to just because I like you or anything."

"He wouldn't have seen it if you didn't show him. I just want it all to be something on my own. It feels like a pity move to make my dreams come true and I want to be the one making all this happen," I argue back stubbornly. It may sound unreasonable but it's just my mentality and I don't plan on changing it.

"It's not that big of a deal," he complains in a voice like he's dreading this whole conversation. 

"Yeah, I don't even know why you waste your time. It's clearly not something you care about anyway," I don't hesitate to leave him standing as I reach toward the door handle. 

"Wait, where are you going?! You know I didn't mean it that way!" 

Harry's POV: 

"SELENA!" I bang on the door, not caring about the ruckus I'm creating outside. Sighing, I run a hand through my now messy curls. How does everything gets ruined when it was all just going good? As I'm about to raise another fist onto the wooden surface, I notice movement through the window Crystal was in earlier, but instead of the sweet older girl my sister is terribly fond of, I see a darker figure. The scowl matching his mean demeanor causes me to lower my hand and turn back. Derek just hands down (and up), scares the shit out of me. When I'm back inside my car, I slam my hands against the steering wheel, annoyed at how easily I messed things up. 

Louis's POV: 

"I just want to have a happy ending, Louis," I nearly fall asleep at Harry's nonstop whining. 

"Why is it so hard? You'd think that after finally getting the girl, I'd be able to keep her, but no, I have to go and indirectly insult her and--"

"For fuck's sake, Harry. I don't know if you rambling about how you'd eventually get her to notice you and then marry you before you got her to even talk to you or you now complaining each time you have a small fall out is worse."

"Louiiiiiis, you have a girlfriend. Teach me how," he nudges me like an actual child.

"Hey, guess what? So does Liam. Go ask him how it works." 

"I can't. Liam's on a date right now," he pouts.

"Yes, so you can obviously see who is the more knowledgable one. Clearly, I'm not the best one tp ask because I'm here instead of a Saturday night dinner listening to you right now on this ugly sofa. Who even chose this style?" I scrunch up my nose at the uncomfortable texture.

"Hey, I did," he frowns, "Mum and Gemma don't complain."

"Your mum loves you too much and Gemma is away at university too often to notice," I scoff. The doorbell rings and I immediately jump off the couch, hoping it's the pizza delivery guy. If I have to listen to Harry cry all night I at least need something to make me not want to kill myself. To my dismay, it's just Niall. 

"Great, another reason to regret my life choices," I sigh as I slump back in my previous position, thinking about the infinite ways I could've spent my time. The loud Irish voice echoes in the empty home, filling the space in addition to Harry's sad monologue as I place a pillow over my face. God save me. 

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