33. On My Mind

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i'm so proud of this manip LOL
also, carpool karaoke with them killed me like all oF IT THEIR FACES AND VOICES 
but can we discuss how niall said he would marry selena (-: and how when her name was first said, liam tapped harry's knee (-: and even though its prob bc they're teasing niall let's pretend its bc harry likes her (-: 

Selena's POV: 

"Come in."

I inhale, calming and composing myself before I push down on the door handle slowly, widening the gap. 

"Selena," she sounds surprised to see me as I wave awkwardly. Anne gestures to the seat in front of her that I've sat in countless times and I feel a sense of familiarity. 

"What brings you here?" she straightens out some files before turning her full attention to me, hands folded on top of her desk.

"Is there any way for me to enroll back in school?"

"Under certain conditions, possibly. Why?" 

"I need to graduate high school. I have to submit proof and grades...I got into art school," I shyly smile as I explain. 

"Congratulations, dear," she rests her hand above mine as I thank her. 

"Well, because you did start working hard before you got expelled, you aren't missing that much homework and tests. I'd say it's do-able to make up before graduation and if you keep on top of the upcoming assignments too." 

"Wait, thats it?" I'm a bit surprised that all I have to do is study and work.

"I'm not finished yet," she pauses and I blush a bit, slightly embarrassed I interrupted the principal, "you also have to be on the prom committee to redeem yourself and your citizenship grade."


"The theme is 'enchanted to meet you.' All the students originally on the team have gotten into their preferred universities and are now slacking off. They claim they're busy and no one is really planning or working on this event. If you can pull off the dance in addition to finishing your academics, I will remove the expulsion from your record and allow you to graduate with the class," she explains.

"Okay, I'll do it," I shrug, not believing that's all I have to do to regain my status in school. She seems to be aware of my confusion at the lack of difficulty to get back.

"I really admired you for your honesty. Most people would remain silent and continue on using my son to benefit themselves. Till this day, I have the utmost respect for you as a person, Selena. Unprofessionally speaking, I'm actually glad that out of all the girls falling over him throughout school, that you're the one he's fallen in love with." 

 I remain silent, unsure what to say. She dismisses me and I immediately stand up, wanting to leave this awkward as fuck situation as soon as possible; however, as I'm about to exit, I turn around and give her a quiet 'thanks' before making my way out. 

Danielle's POV: 

"Hey girl," I greet the surprised and barely awake brunette outside the classroom.

"How did you know I was here?" 

"I have dance practice and I noticed you come in here this morning. What are you doing?" I hand her a cup of hot hazelnut coffee. The minute I saw her entering the school looking like she was about to kill herself and everyone around her, I knew she needed a caffeine boost.

"I just took two history tests," she confesses and accepts the drink with grateful eyes. As she sips and sighs in content, she closes her eyes for a brief second, just relaxing for a quick moment. 

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