12. Show You

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sorry i can't consistently update /: i'm trying to finish high school and it is so stressful like honestly. also my writers block sUCKS

P.S. IF YOU TOOK AP SPANISH AND AP COMPARATIVE GOVERNMENT, i probably set some really low standards for you to get a 5 since i failed!!!! ☺

by the way, zedd's album is ♥‿♥

also, let me just say that, LOUIS TOMLINSON IS THE LOVE OF MY LIFE


Selena's POV: 

"I can't wait to hear the results," Zayn mutters as I nod in agreement. We're currently gathered in the middle of the hallway, awaiting for Ms. Cox to announce the chosen design. Ms. Deschanel has no input in the selection but she secretly confessed to me earlier that she thinks mine was a winning piece of work.

"Our new mural will be based on Miss Ariana's—" she begins but is cut off by protests. The wicked girl of the hour smirks while Zayn voices his strong disagreements.

"Are you serious?" he questions in disbelief as the principal continues to nod.

"She literally just painted a canvas in light pink," I point out, completely astounded.

"And it's a nice colour. I'm sure it will add a little something to our dull walls," she shrugs and I swear it's blantantly obvious how much she hates me.

"This is shit," I mutter, making my way out the doors only to be stopped by her calling me back.

"Watch your language, Miss Gomez. Just because yours was not chosen does not give you the permission to throw a tantrum. Get back to class," she sternly announces while Ariana continues to shoot me some smug-ass smiles. Refusing to be belittled, I flip her off and exit the school regardless, knowing my regretful action will come to bite me later. I worked so hard on something that can almost be my one treasure in this school and I refuse to have wasted so much time for nothing.

I continue to sulk as I wander around the outside perimeter of the school, my hands tucked in the pockets of my go-to black hoodie. My feet shuffle against the cement-paved walkway, just continously thinking of how unfair everything is.

It reminds me why I hate the world so much.

When voices of girls complaining are brought to my attention, my head quickly shoots up and I scramble to hide behind the edge of a wall.

"Did you hear about the mural thing?"

"What about it?"

"Ariana's design got picked," one snorts and I can't help the smile that itches to creep up my face. Thank God others have the common sense to feel the same as I do towards her.

"It's a bummer they're making something for the front of the school, but nothing for the side of the dance building," another girl pipes in, her voice slightly higher and much softer than the one before.

"Yeah, well it's the entrance of the school. The dance building is not nearly as important to visitors and such," a lower-tone girl comments.

"Still. It deserves something besides nothing." I attempt to lean closer to the conversation as much as possible without revealing myself but the hushed mumbling soon ceases. When I finally gain the courage to expose a bit of my face to see, I notice the coast is clear. Glancing back and forth, I see no one in sight, assuming they all probably walked to class or something.

My feet seems to have a mind of their own as they quickly find their way to where the girls were just discussing. I'll give it something.

Danielle's POV:

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