21. Eighteen

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IM SO SORRY!! i wanted to finish this story before this summer ended but i didn't end up doing that )-: i've been mia because i'm a freshman in college now and i had to pack and move in! i've just been settling in my dorm the past 3 days and my first day of classes is in a few hours so sorry about that. thank you if you still read this and leave nice comments and all ♥ 



Harry's POV: 

"Sel, I want this," my eyes remain intently on hers as she displays nothing but doubt and hesitation. 

"Your mother would kill me."

"She said it was okay," I whine, acting like a child, ironically when I just turned eighteen. 


"I'm an adult anyway now," I shrug with her rolling her eyes at my response. Regardless of her wishes, she begrudgingly slips on her latex gloves and twists the needle. My shirt is off as she grips onto my left arm, holding it in place as she begins inking my skin. I remember informing my mother this morning that I will be coming home with some more additions. She protested at first as I continue to list a seemingly endless amount of ideas I want embedded on my body but with help from Gemma, I was able to convince her to give me permission even though I technically don't need it anymore. 

"I'm so positive you'll cry," she frowns and I match her pout.

"Are you questioning my strengths?"

"Of course not," she shakes her head, laughing, "but Zayn cried the first time and Louis teared up."

"I'm still mad my friends beat me to getting here," I shake my head, a bit unhappy she did theirs before she did mine. Frankly, I'm also upset she held onto both of their arms but I'm not letting her know that.

"Their birthdays come before you and they're older. Therefore they're allowed to before you," she just chuckles at my butthurt attitude.

"Do you feel any pain?" my beautiful girl questions over the loud buzzing of the needle.

"A little," I admit, watching the pale skin taint with blushes of irritation. She grabs a towel and wipes off the excess, leaving a wonderful shape. Moving on, she leans closer to my face, setting her hands on my shoulders as she prepares the next one. I glance down seeing her very kissable lips and unable to resist the temptation, I lean down and capture her own in mine. 

"Harry! You could've made me mess up," she pulls away, sighing as I just chuckle.

"But I didn't," I smile cheekily, 

"You're lucky you taste like birthday cake," she jokes, licking her lips and making me feel weak at the knees. I keep my eyes trained on her every movement as the buzzing returns and she moves on to my collarbones, doing a more intricate design. Humming, I keep watching her in awe, wondering how someone could be so imperfectly perfect. A strand of hair falls and I unconsciously and immediately reach up to brush it behind her ear, the movement not fazing her at all as her forehead wrinkles in pure concentration. Once it's done, she sighs heavily and slightly pushes off on her feet, causing her spinny chair to move back a little as she changes needles for the last one I requested for the day. As she's washing up, I admire the ones she's done so far and I can't be any happier. She returns to me much to my joy and wipes the area on my stomach with alcohol cleansing tissues. Once the area is disinfected and ready, she begins the final new touch to me. I continue humming in content, knowing how relaxed she gets when she hears my voice and relishing in the fact that I can make her feel that way. 

The minute she bends up again, rubbing her back, I glance down at the finished masterpieces. 

"Are you going to tell me why you wanted these now?" she cleans the tools and scoots her chair closer to me, leaning her head on the crevice created between my shoulder and neck. Her hair bunches up near my face and she feels warm compared to my cool skin, leaving me in a simple state of bliss. 

"The star reminds me of the time you asked me to jump out your window at night. They were shining above and the starlight was just on you and I remember just watching you in awe," I intertwine her fingers in mine, "and I wondered how many nights it would take to count the stars because however long it was, I wanted to spend that amount of time sitting by your side." The memory is vivid in my mine and I swear she was an angel from heaven above, all darkness and sins and coldness wiped away with just the glow of the night sky. 

"What about the sparrows and the butterfly?"

"The sparrows remind me of the amazing feeling of...freedom. It's like I could fly anywhere and explore and escape and just get lost...and I really want to remember that I'm not tied down or forced to do anything. I'm my own person and I can just like, live."

"And, the butterfly is for the feeling I get when I'm around you."

"Oh, shut up," she cringes, slapping me gently on the arm, "that is the worst thing you could ever say."

"I guess it also serves as a little note that tells me anything can be beautiful and can blossom, like caterpillars and shit turning to these pretty little things that can open their wings and again, be free. It's well, liberating. I want to always keep these feelings with me."

Selena's POV: 

"Thanks for lunch," Harry smiles with lettuce still in between his teeth. My nose crinkles at the sight as he continues to grin and persistently question "what?" over and over again, oblivious. After pointing it out, he wiggles his tongue behind his closed mouth then smiles again, white teeth on show. With a thumbs up, he sips on the simple apple juice that I packed along with some home-made pasta and salad for lunch that we're currently eating during my break. Zedd and Ed are out running errands and resupplying things we've run low on so we pretty much have the place to ourselves. 

"This is the best birthday ever," he semi-squeals and wraps his arms tightly around me, causing me to squirm a bit at the unexpected touch. I surprise myself everyday as I lean in his embrace and tilt my head up slightly to give him a peck on the cheek. We sit there in silence, just enjoying each others company with a million thoughts among us. 

"I'll call you after dinner, yeah?" he brushes a hand through his hair, rocking on the heels of his feet. He reluctantly departs after I nod, going to head to a family dinner celebrating his big day. I take my time walking home, eyes wandering around the buildings and just thinking. I'm in a good place right now. I'm happy.  

When I finally make it back, Derek is passed out on the couch, a bag of air-popped popcorn lying on his chest and his mouth is wide open in mid-drool. Tyler and Crystal are talking together in the kitchen and Holland and Dylan are enjoying some late dinner. I'm exhausted when I lazily land on my bed, tossing my bag to the side, staring at the paintings I've hung everywhere. My eyes close in bliss but I'm rudely interuppted by the vibrations of my phone. Turning to glance at the five letters I already know will appear in the caller ID, I reach out and willingly press my ears to hear the familiar warm raspy voice I've grown to adore. 

"I showed my family my new tatts. I feel like such a bad-ass."

"Do you now?" 

"Yeah. My mum wasn't too fond of it but she kept her frowns at a minimum. My uncle was super impressed though. I told him I was super proud of it and you and he gushed about how talented you are. He loved the details and everything and he begged me to ask you if you wanted a chance to like show off your work. He'd loved to see it in a museum or something," I listen to the steady vibrato of his natural voice. 

"I don't know...I kinda want to do this on my own..."

"It is your own! My uncle's looking for talent and you have it. Please think about it?" 

"Give me a night," I mumble sleepily, head turning to the clock on the wall. 

"Okay, sleep well princess. I'll see you tomorrow," he makes a kissy-noise through the line and I cringe. 

"Don't do that," I groan at his corniness before hanging up. As I close my eyes I almost forget the new nickname he gave and I can't help the smile that graces my face as I enter slumber with the idea that someone could possibly see me as royalty. 

Fix You ✧ ((Harry Styles/Selena Gomez))Where stories live. Discover now