14. No Control

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guys...I GRADUATED HIGH SCHOOL 3 DAYS AGO!!!!!!!! it is super bittersweet bc i am so happy to leave the place i had so many bad memories at but at the same time i'm incredibly sad to part ways from people who i really like, like all my teachers and friends who've supported me. it's weird to think i won't see the people i've been going to school with for the past like 13 years, everyday...also i realized i cared for some people more than i thought and not being able to see them is saddening. BUT ANYWAY, i'm also going on a 2-week trip! i'm not sure if i will be on the computer much, so here's an update. hopefully, i can do more even while i'm gone from home...


Harry's POV:

"Sorry I'm late," I pant, practically wheezing the pathetic words out before sitting down beside the brunette beauty behind the school. She shrugs but glances up from her notebook, closing it to give me her full attention. Ever since she confessed about her back story, my admiration for her only sky-rocketed. She's honestly the strongest girl I know--her ability to endure even the worst that life can possibly throw at her truly amazes me. Although she hates that I've seen her at her most vulnerable, I continously thank God for the opportunity to see this raw side of her that not many people get the chance to. The talk has led us to, even if it displeases her, be closer. For the past weeks, we've been meeting up and just enjoying ourselves in each other's presences as often as we can--whether it is during lunch time, passing periods of class, or when we're out of school. 

"How did the rehearsal go?"

"Fun," sarcasm drips from my voice as I pinch the bridge of my nose. There is so much pressure for this wedding to be perfect and as much as I'd like to support my mother, I find it difficult to handle the stress of the event without a shoulder to lean on. My sister is all up for the ceremony and the guys seem to be excited for a chance to celebrate. Looking at Selena, she just rolls her eyes but nonetheless strokes my arm aimlessly, knowing the simple comfort the gesture brings me. I just...need her. 

It was a question I had on my lips for days like a loose thread hanging off of my favorite sweater that I couldn't resist pulling despite knowing it could all unravel around me.

"So, do you like me?" I blurt, afraid I ruined everything. She did mention how it would take a while for her to open up, but I couldn't stop the urge that has been fighting to push out. I just can't get enough of her and I can only hope she felt the same. 

"What?" she seems a bit taken aback at the sudden interrogation before raising an eyebrow, suspiciously, "Why?" 

 I sigh deeply. 

"You know whyy," I whine, dragging the last word out as I nuzzle my face into the crook of her neck to hide my own flustered self. She remains silent and I feel slightly defeated, knowing her quiet way of telling me that she still needs time. I completely understand and I will wait as long as needed of me. 

"Can you do me a favor?" I sit back up, leaning against the tree with my arms behind my back. 

"Depends, what is it?" her smile challenges me and normally, if the question wasn't something nerve-wracking, I'd smirk back in response. 

"I need a date to my mum's wedding and---" she cuts me off before I can even finish my thought. 

Selena's POV: 

"Oh no," I begin. The minute I saw his eyes pleadingly scan over my face as the words trail out of his mouth, I knew where this conversation was going. 

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