32. I'm Coming Home

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Harry's POV: 

Gemma has her feet on my lap as we sit on opposite ends of the couch. A warm quilt with a white and grey floral pattern drapes over our bodies. Fluffy pillows are put behind our backs, giving us the complete comfort possible. Mum and Robin are on the loveseat to our right as we all watch Beauty and The Beast on the telly. Belle is reading and the Beast is enjoying just watching her, telling her to read some more, a contrast to the beginning of the film where that other dick was saying it's not right for a women to read because she'll start getting ideas and thinking. I can only imagine the comments Selena would have for that. 

God, I miss her. Seeing as there's a montage playing on the screen, I sit up slightly straighter, turning my attention to my sister and mum.

"How should I make it up to her?" I clear my throat, knowing the question is completely out of the blue. 

"It's up to you, Harry. I'll try to help in any way but in the end, you know her best." 

I frown, not having a clue. 

"Are you excited for your dream school?" Robin tries to change the topic and though I appreciate his efforts as a step-dad, it isn't really deferring the thoughts of a particular brunette beauty from my mind.

"Yeah, I guess," I shrug with a fake smile, exhaling deeply. Lately, I've been spending more time with my family at home to lighten the strain on my heart and though I enjoy their company, I still feel pangs of sadness tinge within me. The lads keep me occupied at school too but seeing her empty seat in class and at the cafeteria just reminds me of the vacant spot she left in her place. I just wish for her to be in my arms once again.

Selena's POV: 

"Here you go, Brad," I hand him the drawing of him as a knight slaying a dragon. He takes the paper from my hands eagerly, nodding in approval.

"I like it."

"I'm glad you do," I run a hand through my hair and stretch, watching him run towards the other kids to show off the picture. A shy, timid girl who rarely talks, approaches me with caution.

"Hey," I smile gently, "what picture would you like?" 

"Are you okay?" she tilts her head, staring at me with big doe-like eyes. They're green like a certain someone's and I have to look away a bit or else I'll feel waves of emotions that I currently desire to suppress. 

"I'm fine. Thank you for asking," I watch her sit on the ground in front of me.

"I think you're sad." 

"Why do you say that?" I question curiously. How can an eight year old read me so well? 

"I can just tell," she shrugs like she doesn't know why she knows either.

"Well, I promise you. I'm okay," I reassure her.

"Pinky promise? No lying?"

I bite my lip, feeling myself commit a sin. Why she gotta play me like this?

"Yeah, promise," I link our fingers and immediately drown myself in guilt. Once I lie, she leaves but still turns back every so often to glance at me with full suspicion. Wanting to stop the overwhelming sensation of uneasiness, I decide to head home earlier than usual. I wave Issac goodbye and with my hands in the pockets of my hoodie, I walk the shortcut back to my house, the little girl's words never leaving my mind.

Kids. They make me an emotional mess. Looking up, I realize I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't notice I already arrived at my doorstep. Sighing deeply, I unlock the door only to hear party favors being blown in my face by Dylan and Tyler.

"What is going on?" I cringe at the obnoxious sound before surveying the living room. There's balloons floating, touching the ceiling and streamers hung on the walls. An ice cream cake, my favorite mint chocolate chip, sits in the center of the kitchen table. Holland and Crystal are beaming and Derek has a camera out in his hands. Looking up, I mentally check the calendar in my mind and try to see who's birthday it is. When I come up short, I stare at them in complete confusion.

Tyler beams widely at me, his smile taking up more than half of his face. He grabs my left hand and rigidly places an envelope in it, prodding me to open it. Hesitantly, I drop my bag by the door and stick a finger under the sealed lap, sliding across the top border to open it. I pull out a fancy, thick parchment-like paper and read the first sentence. 

"Ms. Selena Gomez, based on your work, we are incredibly happy to inform you that you've been admitted into the.." 

Before I can even finish, I start crying as everyone hugs me. 

"Congrats baby sis!" Tyler nearly suffocates me in his tight bear hug but I could care less about that at the moment. Crystal already begins to cut slices of ice cream cake to serve and everyone takes a seat at the table, showering me with hugs, pats, and kisses to the forehead and top of my head. 

"First slice for the talented girl," she winks. Laughing, I wipe some tears out of the corners of my eyes and happily take the plate from Crystal. Derek wraps an arm around me, whispering to me that our parents would have been so proud. This only prompts a few more tears from me as I lean into his touch. I love my brothers so much. Taking a bite, I keep the fork in my mouth, savoring the creamy taste as I continue reading further down the letter, unable to contain my excitement. 

"We are proud to have you be a part of our school! You show outstanding mastery in art."

I hum in complete bliss, stuffing my face with even more cake and smiling like a carefree idiot. My siblings all seem to relish this time, knowing it's a rare moment. Derek even keeps snapping photos of me as if just to preserve this as tangible proof that it's possible for me to be this happy. Rolling my eyes, I return to the end of the letter only to feel my heart and stomach and all internal organs, basically, drop to the pit of my body. 

"Please send in your high school transcript."

Fuck. I need to go back to school.

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