13. The One I Want To Want Me

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i have a really bad problem of not updating frequently. SORRY.

honestly, i have ideas for this book but not transitions to get to them so it takes a while for me to find a way to connect the events i want to happen. not gonna lie, i also haven't been liking my writing much lately /: hopefully, after school ends and what not, i'll do a lot better ☺


Selena's POV:

I usually don't really care what others think of me—I know for a fact that no one truly understands me or are aware of what I had to go through in my life. It is totally normal for me to get judged for something false. I allow that to happen and I shouldn't expect anything different especially because I refuse to share anything personal with anybody.

The slight sting from Harry's assumption is something I'm trying to make go away. His comments should not have bothered me.

As I attempt to brush off the unwanted feelings, a sudden figure bumps into me, causing me to falter in my steps.

"Whoa, you okay?" I glance at them briefly seeing curly, wavy hair before apologizing profusely, "I wasn't looking. My bad."

"It's fine," she looks up and I see that it's the captain of the school dance team, Danielle. Thinking back, she's Eleanor Calder's best friend, which also means she's associated with Harry. Oh, great.

"Hey, um, I just wanted you to know I never really had a great impression of you," she leans her weight on one foot, her confession taking me a bit by surprise. I know most people think that but no one has ever told me their thoughts to my face.

"Uh, thanks? I appreciate the honestly," I reply just as cooly.

"Yeah, but the mural on the wall. You did that," she states matter of factly and I nod, knowing it would be pointless to pretend I didn't do it.

"Do other people know?" I ask quietly, somewhat wanting my identity to remain on the down low for now. It is a work I'm immensely proud of but I don't want the whole school to talk about something else about me—they've got enough.

"Not really. Some do and most of the school haven't even seen it yet," she breathes out.


"It's really good," Danielle suddenly blurts, "I didn't know you even acknowledged the things going on at school, nonetheless so many distinct people here. It was really sweet."

"Thanks. I may pretty much hate everyone and their existence, but I'm not going to deny there are a lot of remarkable individuals here," I shrug. She bites her lip, shifting the weight back and forth between her two feet before sighing and sticking her left hand in front of me.

"I think I was wrong about you. And, I'm sorry."

Her words take me by surprise; lots of people would never even bother to change their opinions of me and to have her explicitly tell me is something absolutely refreshing.

"Thank you."

"So, I don't do this often, but want to ditch?" a sly, but shy smile is offered on her face and I laugh for pretty much the first time today.

"That actually doesn't sound too bad."

Harry's POV:

"I shouldn't have listened to Danielle," I groan with my face in my hands. It's currently lunch time and I have felt nothing but miserable the whole damn day so far.

"Weren't you the one who was super defensive of her?" Louis quips, "And then, you were the one who accused her of what you were protecting her from?"

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