08. I Wanna Get Better

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it'll get better hopefully


Dylan's POV: 

I sigh, lying across the bed so that my head and legs dangle off the sides of the bed. My hands reach up to rub my face, the water in my eyes slightly stinging. I shouldn't have even said anything. It was stupid, because now it's going to be so awkward between us and we live together. What was I even thinking?

"Fuck," I groan just evaluating the situation I put myself in. A knock on the door sounds but I ignore it, not really wanting to see anyone at the moment.

"Leave me alone!" I shout but the action doesn't cease.

"For fuck's sake, go away!"

Clearly whoever it is does not care about my wishes. As I'm about to sit up and scold the intruder, I'm surprised to see Holland gingerly closing the door and taking a seat beside me on the bed.

"So, what happened?" she twirls her strawberry blonde hair so nonchalantly, bright eyes curiously peering at my own.

"None of your business," I sigh. Normally I would not be so bitter to her but I can't help the pent up frustration at everything that happened. She raises an eyebrow at me before rolling her eyes in a manner too dramatic for my liking.

"Did she turn you down or something?" she questions knowingly and I nearly choke on my own saliva at how on point she is.

"What makes you say that?" I tilt my head. She simply chuckles, her laugh dry.

"It's obvious you like her. It's like you have fucking heart eyes whenever you stare at her. The minute her name is said, you perk up like a wolf on high alert. You like her. A lot," she wisely shrugs.

"How do I make her love me like how much I love her?" I clasp my hands together, staring at them while I await Holland's advice.

"You don't love her the way you think you do. Sure, you treasure her as family, but I don't think you love her that way."

"What do you know about love?" I scoff, not exactly hearing what I wanted to hear from her.

"I know it hurts a lot. And, it's misleading and sometimes just...not right," her voice slightly cracks at the end and I lift my head up to gaze at her. Her cheeks seem more flushed than before and her eyes seem clouded.

"Did...uh..Did something happen to you?" 

"I just came back from a break-up," she sadly smiles at me and I am taken aback. I didn't know she was even in a relationship?

"Long story. I didn't tell anyone except Crystal. His name's Colton and he was someone I met in university. Things didn't work out though," she brushes it off before quickly switching the focus of the conversation back on me.

"Anyway, point is, you can't just make someone fall for you," she shakes her head and creases appear between my brows.

"Want to bet?"

"On what?" she purses her lips in curiosity.

"I bet I can make you fall for me," I smirk as she nearly snorts before covering her mouth politely. 

"Sure. I'll let you take that challenge. Good luck though. I'm hard to please," she replies smugly, standing up from her prior position, leaving a dent on the bed where she used to be. The door shuts close, notifying me of her exit as I smile to myself. 

Selena's POV: 

I have no idea what happened between Holland and Dylan yesterday but this morning, they both seem happy and there was no awkward tension between any of us. He pulled out her chair for her this morning and made her breakfast. Even when I walked into the kitchen to grab a banana, he waved at me like nothing ever happened. I was surprised but I'm definitely not going to question it when things are going in my favor.

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