04. Night Changes

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sorry this is only in one pov 


Harry's POV: 

"Uh," I stammer once I see the annoyed beauty stare at me with folded arms across her chest. Her arm now is wrapped up and she raises an eyebrow at me. 

"Well?" she speaks up again after I say nothing. My throat is dry and I can't help drinking in the sight of her. She looks so beautiful and perfect, just standing there in front of me. 

"I--" she cuts me off.

"Don't tell me you were trying to find the bathroom or you got lost, because there's only one way up here and you would not just 'accidentally' get yourself here," she beats me to any excuse I can make up.

"I was looking for your room," I admit sheepishly before scratching the back of my neck, "But, I uh couldn't find it. And then, your brother came and I got scared. This was the first place I found to hide."

"You should be scared," she deadpans, "you're the first boy here that isn't a family member. My brother will hurt you if he knows you're here."

"Well, shit."

"I didn't know you curse," she almost smirks, amused, "I thought you were the little good boy with your sheltering mother." 

"What? You've got it all wrong. I'm a normal teenage boy. In fact, some people might call me a badass," I try to smirk seductively or in a cool fashion but I guess that fails when she snorts. 

"Some people in your imaginary world," she rolls her eyes. 

I smile. 

I'm in Selena's freaking room. 

"So, this is your place?" my eyes have been glued to her since I entered and it isn't until now that I get a closer look around, noticing the walls filled with tacked up pictures and paintings, stray canvas and magazines strewn across various spaces. There are color swatches and tubes of acryllic paint on her desk along with palettes, some just plain white and clean, others with dried up shades of paint, indicating her last used colors. There are a few glass panels that make up a window, giving her the view of the neighborhood. A painting lies above her bed which has a grey duvet and white pillows and lights surround the parameter of her room. 

"Yes and I suggest you getting out of it," she keeps her arms across her chest.

"Wa-ait," I stammer.

"What?" she huffs.

"Can I stay here until dinner? I-I just think we have so much in common and we could talk," I ramble but she walks over before I can continue. She gently shoves me out, pushing me towards the exit.

"Don't come in here again," she warns before shutting the entrance and leaving me by the stairs. Sighing, I know not to push my luck and come back down the stairs.

"You were so not using the restroom," the familar feminine voice startles me and I jump, turning around to find my sister raising an eyebrow and Crystal by her side staring at me suspiciously.

"Dinner's ready, doof," Gemma rolls her eyes and Crystal giggles, placing a hand on my back as we all head downstairs.

"Is Selena coming?" I glance back up at her room and Crystal nods, "she'll be down in a minute." When we approach the already set-up table, I gulp at the fact that Tyler and Derek, both of Selena's overly protective brothers are already seated. Though to my surprise, Tyler's best friend, Dylan, and Crystal's friend, Holland are also sitting by their side. Is this a party? 

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