01. Always Worth It

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nobody but you you you 


Harry's POV: 

"Dude, you're drooling," Eleanor scrunches up her nose in disgust as Louis chuckles, bringing her closer to him. Although still dazed by her beauty, I still hear Eleanor perfectly. 

"She's so hot," I swoon whilst licking my lips and biting the bottom, holding it between my teeth. 

"She's also like Satan's daughter," Danielle rolls her eyes at the girl sitting alone at a table, with earbuds in, as she moves a pencil against a leather notebook I see her carrying all the time. 

"You don't know shit about her," I scold the curly haired girl who scoffs at my comment.

"Her brother kills people and she joins in. People say she's always in alleys doing who knows what. She's always in trouble around the school and she does drugs. Look at her, she's the only one who doesn't wear the uniform. Just ask your mom. She's trouble, Harry, just plain trouble," she folds her arms across her chest.

"You have no proof for the first statement and as for the second, she's just seen in a bad light and there's no way in hell that I'm going to talk to my mom about her," I huff in defense. I hate it when people attack Selena for no reason; she's perfect to me. 

"It's a bit creepy how much you obsess over her," Zayn chuckles and I know he's referring to the many photos I contain of her in my locker, which thank God, my mum is unaware of. With little convincing needed, I became a part of the yearbook committee and was given a professional Nikon camera as a gift in freshman year. Since then, I had occasionally snapped photos of whatever or whoever interests me--Selena, basically. 

"What can I say? I have a beautiful muse," I shrug jokingly and the lads laugh while the girls frown at my choice of the opposite gender. 

"You've been crushing on her since what? Kindergarten?" Louis shakes his head before downing the last drops of his water bottle as I twirl the pasta on my tray with a proud smile.

"Yup," I purposely make a popping noise with the "p" to accentuate my response, "And still going strong. I swear I'm like falling more and more in love with her every day."

"Even though she changed from being a complete angel to the devil's advocate?" Danielle rolls her eyes.

"Yup," I smugly smile.

"That's dedication man," Niall pats my back as I feel a vibration, notifying me about an incoming text message from my phone sitting in my jean pocket. When I read it's content, a smile crawls to my face just as the bell rings. 

"What's got you all happy?" Danielle smirks as we each slowly stand up and push our chairs in, making our way to fifth period.

"Gemma's coming home today," I grin at the thought of my older sister, finally returning from college. The boys and girls all share my happiness, knowing how much I love her despite being siblings who fight from time to time. My dad left us while we were kids so I've practically grown up my whole life with two women in the house and I love them with all my heart.

Selena's POV: 

"Selena, you do realize you can't keep hiding in this class forever right?" Ms. Deschanel, or as she prefers me to call her, Zooey, gives me a soft smile as I sigh, sinking further into my seat. The only period she has free is fifth period, so I often hang around the room and just converse with her. Though honestly, I choose to ignore my other classes, so I'm pretty much in the art room all day. 

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