35. I Look At You And Oh-Oh

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happy holidays!! i can't believe christmas is so close--i don't feel christmasy whatsoever LOL. anyway, thank you sooo much for sticking by and reading this even though i was so bad at updating and i kept losing my way with this story haha. my next projects is a short story called hear me & a long story called ever ever after!! so if you'd like, look out for that â˜Âº

Selena's POV:  

"I've dreamed of this moment since like, my prom," Crystal gushes as she straightens my hair. Holland agrees as she applies minimal light make-up per my request. The two were giddy as hell this morning, waking me way too early for my liking to prepare for the night. I tried arguing that the event was at night and therefore I have all the time in the world to even get dressed and what not, but I easily lost the fight.

"Yeah, no kidding. You're more excited than me," I roll my eyes as she squeals. Dylan's still sleeping while Tyler and Derek are downstairs, preparing the camera. They even went to the extent of dressing up as well so we can take formal pictures. Absolutely ridiculous. 

"Okay, now go slip on your dress!" they take out the gown from the box and shove it in my hands. The fabric feels soft and inviting--looking at it actually made me want to put it on. Without another word, the two leave, whispering in anticipation. I stand alone in the mirror and slowly swap my over-sized t-shirt and shorts into the dark blue piece. Placing some hair behind my shoulder, I glance at the fitting dress and study my appearance. Unaware and a bit caught up in studying my reflection. I don't hear the knock on the door and before I can prepare myself, Crystal and Holland are screaming. 

"You are breath-taking," they coo, clapping their hands together.

"Time to go downstairs and take pictures!" Holland practically skips down the stairs as Crystal pulls on my wrist to follow. As I'm about to leave with them, I pause and turn back, making Crystal wait in confusion. Opening a drawer, I pull out the rock pendant from Christmas and clasp it onto my neck. Shoving it back in the desk, I follow the older sister-figure, appreciative that she didn't comment on my action. 

"Wow. Our little sister is all grown up," Tyler pretends to wipe away a fake tear. Goob. 

Derek wraps his arms around me in a tight hug and I allow and welcome the warm embrace.

"Don't let any guys try to charm you," he begins a lecture but I stop him before he can go on.

"If they do, I'd punch them in the face," I recite and he laughs.

"That's our girl."

Smiling, I stand in between them as Crystal takes photos of us before switching roles until I get pictures with everyone. Sometime during all this, Dylan finally manages to get his lazy ass out of bed to join us. Time flies when we're trying to get nice-looking pictures and soon enough, the clock is ticking closer to the event opening. Derek drives me and we sing old songs our parents liked to sing in the car. Even though I don't have everything I wanted in the moment, I am quite content.

"Remember," he sternly reminds me as I clench my left hand into a fist to symbolize that I know. 

"Good. See you tonight," he places his hand back on the steering wheel, "and Selena?"

I turn back to see my brother with a smile, again. This has got to be a record--Derek smiled at least four times this week.

"Have fun, kiddo." 

"I will," I promise. Things may not be ideal but I want to make the most of the night for myself, my brothers, and my parents who are watching me from above. 

Niall's POV:  

"The angel has landed on Earth. I repeat, the ange--" Liam covers my mouth. 

"You could just say that Selena's entered the building," he rolls his eyes while I remove his hand that has probably been around Danielle's glittery dress. 

"What's the fun in that?"

"There's no time for fun. This is a serious matter," Harry tightens the tie on his neck, his legs a lanky, jumbling mess. 

"You're shaking," I point out matter-of-factly.

"I know. I need to be confident and suave. Be cool Harry," he mutters to himself as I grab a cookie from the refreshments table.

"Yeah, you're doing a great job of that, lad." 

I continue nibbling on the chocolate chip treat when glares fly in my direction. 

Selena's POV: 

My eyes widen when I see Matthew and the girl of his dreams, Vanessa, dancing. I smile once we make eye contact and I mouth for him to 'get it.' He blushes like the dork he is and awkwardly holds onto the junior's hand.

When the two are out of sight, I allow myself to scan the room and see all my work come to life. People seem to be enjoying themselves and the environment which gives me a little bit of satisfaction. When the glow from the middle of the room catches my attention, I feel my heart nearly burst out of my chest. The centerpiece tree I failed to light is shining with the twinkling lights wrapped around and on the wire between each bulb, are alternating pictures and drawings--ones that look awfully familiar to be mine and a certain someone else's. Walking up to it, I study each piece of art on display. From a distance, I hear footsteps approaching but I continue to keep my back turned to them.

"Lights guide us home. You knew I'd come up to this," I say before he can tap me on the shoulder like he planned to. From the corner of my eye, I can see his extended arm lower to rest by his side. 

"It's not completely fixed. There are a few branches not lit," he mentions and I see some, but very few that are darker. 

"I realized I can't fix everything and some things just have to heal on their own."

I know he's referring to more than the tree. 

"But, it's not too shabby right?" 

I silently chuckle before finally turning around and meeting his face after so long.

"Oh God. I wasn't ready for how stunning you'd be," he sucks in a deep breath, his cheeks shifting awfully pink. Although the time apart has not been all that enjoyable, quite miserable to be honest, I've needed it. Harry definitely helped me start to appreciate things around me and to enjoy what's around while I can. Not all the darkness has left me but knowing that there's brightness waiting for me, I'm pretty content with that. Using my tippy toes a bit, I press a kiss to his cheek and pull away, though he leans in and joins our lips together in a sweet reunion. His arms wrap around me, holding me in an embrace as we sway to the music. 

"You did wear the sexiest tux," I tilt my head to the side, causing him to laugh and rub his nose against mine.

"I know I told you once at my mum's wedding, but you really do look amazing in dresses. I'm so glad I got to live up to my statement and see you in one at prom," he grins cheesily.

"Shut up," I entangle my arms together behind his neck and lay my head on his chest. I'm not fixed and I might never be, but I feel the most together I've ever been and that's all I could ever ask for. 

The End. 

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