23. Feel Like Home

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home is amazing like the music video for perfect and pretty much everything they do and are is aMAZING


Selena's POV:

From: Harry

From: Harry

From: Harry
"sweet pea"

From: Harry

My patience is wearing thin as I continue to ignore the incessant buzzing from my phone. How many texts can one send? Infinitely many, apparently. A brief moment of silence leaves me in peace but I speak too soon as my phone begins to ring, signaling an incoming call.

For God's sake.

I'm about to throw my phone across the room and turn it off only to pause in my violent thoughts at the sight of a not-5-letter name.

"Hello?" I pick up hesitantly, curious what the beautiful dancer could be asking me about.

Crystal's POV:

"Never imagined you'd be here, standing in front of me, asking for help," I smirk at the younger girl who seems beyond annoyed with my playful voice. I was lying on my bed, just listening to music and contemplating life for my philosophy paper when the little girl of the family walks in with arms folded across her chest.

"Some girls want to go out for some tea on this rooftop garden thing," she shrugs.

"And you want to go?" I feign tears with one hand over my heart, not believing it.

"Who are you? Are you even Selena anymore?" I tease as she just gives me the classic eye-roll.

"Are you going to help me or not?"

Danielle's POV:

"You look really pretty," I comment once I see Selena enter the restaurant. She thanks me with a timid smile before taking a seat among us. It's nice to see Selena wearing dresses despite how much she loathes it--she looks beautiful. For the tea party, we decided to dress up a bit, throwing on heels and slightly fancier attire. I have on a casual denim shirt over my white maxi dress and Eleanor matches with me in her own white turtle-neck sleeveless dress; meanwhile, Perrie and Selena wear long black dresses that flow with each step they take. We all twiddle our fingers, holding onto our clutches and purses in our laps, awkwardly.

"It's nice to have time without the guys, huh? Sometimes, being that close to our boyfriends can be suffocating," Eleanor clears her throat, attempting to break the silence.

"Yeah," I nod as Perrie half-smiles, probably not used to being without Zayn. To our utter relief, a waiter who's dressed all prim and proper comes by our table. We collectively agree on kiwi-cucumber sandwiches and some variation of chicken salad with earl grey tea. As he walks away, flashing us a charming smile, all our eyes turn towards the brunette bombshell.

"What?" Selena asks once she notices the sudden attention.

"He was giving you a glance a little bit longer than the rest of us," Eleanor giggles, nudging her gently and wriggling her eyebrows.

"If Harry were here, he'd have a heart attack," I nearly snort.

"Good for him," she mumbles, letting out a huge sigh. Eleanor's eyes meets mine as we both look back at Selena.

"Is there something wrong with Harry?" Perrie tentatively takes the risk of asking for all of us.

"We're just not on good terms right now," she shakes her head, "but I'd rather not talk about it." As much as we are curious, we respect her decision--Selena wasn't known to be one who opened up a lot and having her agree to come with us is already a huge step forward from her usual closed-off self.

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