25. Let My Love In

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im sorry it seems like i died


Selena's POV: 

"How come I haven't seen this place yet?" I raise an eyebrow quizzically at the beautiful boy in front of me. We've been spending an awful lot of time together lately after I accepted his cheesy apology and it's the first time I've witnessed his little alcove that he seems to dedicate much of his life in. 

"I was saving it for a special day," he shrugs. The green plaid shirt that adorns his broad shoulders make his mischievous eyes stand out even more, bright emeralds sparkling with playfulness. I shake my head and roll my eyes, my usual response to everything he does and says. Taking my bottom lip in with my top teeth, I survey the place and admire the cozy setting and the home-like lure of the wooden structure. There are navy blue blankets that appear soft to the touch, seeming similar to fur, strewn over the ground and twinkling fairy Christmas lights that follow the perimeter of the area. Some scenic photos were taped to the walls and other polaroids hung on string, interweaving with the lights.

"Lie down with me," he clears his throat and before I can even protest, drags me down so I fall on top of him as he has his back pressed against the floor. 

"Harry," I laugh as I attempt to roll over on my own side. He keeps his hands tightly placed around my waist, rubbing his nose against mine with a huge-ass grin on his face while I cringe.

"I rather like this position," he beams like a stupid little kid and I internally curse him out for being too super fucking cute and giving me chest pains. Finally managing to lower my hands towards his sides, I mercilessly tickle him, causing him to giggle. It is weird and strangely heartstring-tugging to hear the adorable noise come out of a guy who has ridiculously toned biceps. I take this moment of weakness to free myself from his hold and lie by his side instead, my hair sprawled out on the unbelievably comfortable surface. After our laughs have died down a bit and Harry finally stopped pouting, I turn to him. The crinkles beside his eyes when he smiled like the little goob he is make me stop and just appreciate his existence. How did I get so lucky to have the one person who really cared about me to be someone who just radiated happiness? 

"So, how did this treehouse even get built?" 

He faces me with his eyes trained solely on mine, gazing at me with nothing but love and admiration.

"My dad built it for me when I was younger. I told him I wished I could see the world differently and he told me he'll make me a place where I can have a new view. It's the last thing he's done for me before he left," he speaks slowly. 

"You're the only girl I brought up here, you know?" 

"How original of you," I mock, thinking about all the cliche movies. 

"I actually have been saving up that line for a long time, for your information," he nudges me gently. What a dork. 

Harry's POV: 

My heart feels like it is about to combust. Selena's wearing a pure white knitted sweater and she actually looks like an angel sent from heaven above. Her cheeks are a bit flushed from the cold weather and her eyes are bright and so, so beautiful. I have to continously pinch myself when she's not looking so I can make sure she's not just a dream. She's the beauty in a sunset and the warmth in a hug and I can't stop myself from wanting to be surrounded with just her. As I'm about to lean over and press a kiss to her very inviting lips, I hear the sound of a door closing in the distant and voices near us. Sitting up, I see my aunt coming out from the house and approaching the spot below us with Molly in one hand. It was a lazy Saturday and after volunteering at the daycare, I managed to persuade Selena to come home with us. With Gemma, we were all babysitting Molly until her mother could come; however, as much as I loved spending time with the little one, I also just wanted to wrap myself with Selena's sole presence. With begging eyes, I convinced my older sister to take responsibility of our little niece and allow me to be alone with the girl of my dreams. 

"Thank you for picking up Molly, Harry," my aunt smiles warmly. Her eyes dart towards the brunette beauty sitting next to me as a smile creeps onto her face.

"That's Selena, mommy!" Molly points, "the girl who draws for me." The little girl squeals in excitement and my aunt nods in thought, aware of the paintings that now decorate their fridge at home. She gives Selena recognition and thanks her as my girl blushes slightly, the pink in her cheeks only growing more vibrant. 

"Are you guys together?" she has a knowing grin as she glances between the two of us. The question takes me by surprise and my throat dries, unsure how to answer.

"Pft, what?" I chuckle nervously before turning to Selena, "Get a whole load of this, pft." I gesture towards my aunt with my thumb. My aunt raises her eyebrows as I return to face her.

"Uh, erm, uh, she's my, uh--" I stumble over my words. 

"Girlfriend," Selena smiles. My eyes widen and my mouth goes slightly agape as I stare at her in temporary shock before I rapidly begin nodding.

"Yes, my girlfriend," I wrap my left arm around her waist, tugging her closely to my side and pressing a kiss to her cheek.

"She's the best girlfriend," I gush, loving the way it sounds and wanting to say it as often as I can.

"She's my girlfriend," I repeat while Selena shakes her head. 

"She gets it, Harry."

My aunt simply laughs before tugging on Molly's tiny hand, "well, I'll leave you two to enjoy yourselves. Tell your mum I said hi, Harry." I nod and the both of us wave her goodbye as she disappears from our sight. 

I grin at Selena so hard that my cheeks hurt, probably looking like a proper idiot.

Selena's POV: 

Harry keeps beaming at me stupidly and it doesn't seem like he will be stopping soon.


"You tell me, girlfriend," he giggles as I sigh, beginning to regret blurting it out. 

"You're beginning to creep me out," I tease. 

"I don't care as long as you're my girlfriend," he shrugs with a goofy smile and then proceeds to fold his arms behind his head, lying back down on the blanketed ground in utter peace, "I knew bringing you up here was a good idea. Today is the most special day ever." 

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