10. Falling For You

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sorry this was a slow update ): i always think i have so many things i want to create and then im just like lost when i actually start to write like writers block has been a real issue lately /: 

i wrote half of this in my comparative government class bc i finished all my work early and i kept feeling paranoid the person sitting behind me would see my screen and judge me LOL

also sad bc college decisions are hard and still depressed bc zayn


Harry's POV: 

I attempt to slip in the house as quietly as possible, hoping I can get to my room and calm down before mum calls me for dinner. There's a stupid grin on my face that I can't wipe off and I know the minute my sister or mum sees me, they will know something has happened, which will lead them to asking me and I'm not exactly ready yet to confess to my mother.

Clearly, I'm not so great at this sneaking in thing.

The minute I close the door behind my back, my mother appears in the middle of the living room with an eyebrow raised.

"Did something good happen?" she has both her hands on her hips and a light carnation pink apron tied to her waist. The smell of chicken and freshly steamed potatoes waft through the room and my stomach grumbles on instinct. Before I can reply, she nudges me towards the kitchen where Gemma just finished setting a bowl of salad on the dining table. Thank God, this delays me from answering. We each pull out our own chairs; Gemma sits next to me while my mum sits across from the both of us. She begins by asking how our days are and Gem begins to discuss some study she's doing for University while I sit there, a bit dazed, pushing my potatoes around aimlessly with my fork.

I still can't believe Selena said okay.

I think back to grade school when she offered me her sandwich because I was stupid enough to forget my brown paper lunch bag in the car. She had claimed she wasn't hungry and that her banana would just do.

"A banana won't fill you up," I shook my head at her silly claims.

"Yeah, they have a lot of potassium" she nodded determined and convinced that it was all her petite body needed.

"A lot of pota-what?" I had no idea what she was talking about. Selena just rolled her eyes and told me it was good for us. She was always the smartest girl in our class, memorizing facts and knowing what the teacher was saying before the rest of us.

"I'll bring one for you tomorrow," she offered and I smiled. Every day after that, she would meet me in the morning and hand me a banana. We would sometimes eat them at break together unless the boys wanted to play punchball. Regardless of how little we talked afterwards, I still received a banana each day, whether it was placed on my seat or the teacher told me it was brought by another classmate.  

Since then, bananas have become my favorite fruit. 

I wonder if Selena remembers these little things or if they were just blurred memories from the past. After the fifth grade, I thought I'd still be getting bananas from her in middle school but she was cold and distant for reasons unknown. So many rumours spread about her and she refused to talk to anyone. Even her dialogue with the teachers were sparse. She didn't even spare a glance at anyone, only keeping all her thoughts and feelings behind her slowly darkening eyes and tight lips. 

"Harry," Gemma nudged me as I finally lift my head from my plate.


"I've been asking how your day was for the past like five minutes. Are you okay? Why aren't you eating?" mum practically bombards me with questions as I sigh at her overprotectiveness. 

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