05. Find You

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otra began 3 days ago and i die
also there's a kid in the class i TA for who looks EXACTLY like zedd 

Harry's POV: 

"...And then we returned and snuck back in to her place. She held my hand while pulling me through the window and oh God, I swear a bit of me died on the inside, but like in a good way. I can't believe I didn't faint," I ramble on to the boys by our lockers. It's been two days since I've been in Selena's house and class isn't starting for another fifteen or so minutes, giving me the chance to fill them in about Saturday night. 

"You went from zero to a hundred real quick," Louis teases and Liam and Niall pat my back, messing my hair in the process too. We act just like a typical bunch of rowdy teenage boys with the exception of Zayn being more quiet than usual. I still didn't get to ask him about his message from before but as I'm about to bring it up, he excuses himself and heads to first period early. 

"We should get going too," the three nudge me and I sigh, following them to the gym to change, seeing as we have football first. I cannot wait for this week to end because Selena's suspended for the time being and I hate it when I don't get the opportunity to see her. 

Zayn's POV: 

"Morning Zayn," Ms. Deschanel greets, her electric blue eyes shining with nothing but a welcoming warmth. I return the grin and settle my messenger bag on the ground beside my designated easel. Glancing next to me, I notice the empty stool and sigh at the lack of presence. I wish Selena were here. Although I don't share any feelings for the pretty girl, I can't help feeling greedy and wanting to have her as a friend to myself. I want to be the one who gets to know her and who can open her up; our common love for art and our similar silent demeanor seems to make figuring each other out a lot simpler. 

I am happy for Harry--I really am. He does deserve to finally get the girl he's been pinning after for pretty much thirteen years. A part of me just wished he didn't so easily received access to her personal life. I can't explain it myself, but I feel offended that he can talk to her with just his determined self when it should be me, who is more understanding and considerate of her personality. I don't know. Humans are strange and twisted creatures; we have anger, sadness, happiness, and pain over things that aren't necessarily supposed to affect us. 

Picking up some watercolor, I decide to try it out, remembering how nicely Selena's painting on Friday turned out. My eyes suddenly dart to the corner where pieces were laid to dry and I see her canvas looking done and ever so beautiful. Turning back to my empty palette, I begin to plan out my artwork for today whilst silently humming, only to blush periodically when the gorgeous blonde in front of me tilts her head at my voice. 

Selena's POV: 

"You're so beautiful," my mother combs her fingers through my hair gently, running them down from the top of my head to the very tips.

"Our little girl," a second voice joins in and I glance up, smiling at the presence of my father, joining us. As I close my eyes and savor their warm embrace, a sudden coldness jolts me out of my state of peace. A gasp leaves my lips as I watch my parents disappear.

"Come back! You can't leave! You always do this! You come and then go," I nearly attempt to pull my hair out as their figures seem to dissolve before my eyes.

"We'll always be here for you. You can always find us inside you," they wave and all that's left is me and a chill in the place where they just were. 

I sit up in bed, finding myself breathing hard, and with a cold sweat. Everything felt so real--I don't think I will ever forget watching my parents die. Shaking myself out of it, I push the heavy blankets off and pick up the hair-tie around my wrist, grabbing my hair and wrapping the elastic around the ponytail. After changing into some comfortable attire and sliding open the entrance to my room, I hear little to no noise, figuring that I can escape with ease. What Derek doesn't know won't kill him. 

Fix You ✧ ((Harry Styles/Selena Gomez))Where stories live. Discover now