28. Take My Heart

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selena and zedd's performance at jingle ball gives me life i petition for him to be the opening act for revival 

Selena's POV: 

"Shouldn't you be watching the stove?" I raise an eyebrow as I feel flashes on my face. I continue to read the textbook only to hear the continous sound of Harry's camera clicking.

"Okay, you're already accepted into college. We get it, you snap photos. There's no need to keep taking pictures of me," I huff, finally looking up to see him with the device in his hands. 

"So what if I got in? It doesn't change the fact that you're still beautiful and I still want to capture every moment," he shrugs, knowing just how smooth that came out. Arrogant ass. 

"How cheesy of you," I shake my head. 

"I mean...I try," he grins before leaning over for a kiss. For our one month anniversary, Harry persisted that I come over for a home-cooked dinner. His mum was out with her husband and Gemma went back to the dorms at Uni, leaving the house to just the two of us. Knowing Harry and me, I'm a bit worried that he might accidentally burn the place down and I might just sit here and watch like the kitchen-challenged person I am. 

"So, I'm no professional in the dining area or anything, but I think you should be attentive of what you're cooking? Like, standing over the pot?" I gesture to the place where he should be but isn't with the tip of my pencil. 

"Well, I think you should be sitting pretty on the kitchen countertops so I can admire you while I cook."

"That's a terrible idea. You'll get distracted and not only burn the kitchen but burn me too," I stare at him like the idiot he is. 

"Come onnnn. I was just trying to be romantic. Help me out here," he pouts.

"You're asking the girl who practically had no emotion for more than half of her life and sometimes still has no emotion," I plainly state before adding on a good reason to sit far away, "plus, I need to work on these assignments. I haven't gotten into college yet, unlike you."

Louis's POV: 

"I'm surprised Harry hasn't called you in a frenzy yet. I mean, this is his first anniversary thing," Eleanor comments as she takes a sip of her earl grey tea. We sit across from each other at our favorite cafe, enjoying some alone time. I glance at the time on the sunshine yellow clock hanging on the wall as I add more milk into my cup.

"Give it a few seconds. It should be happening anytime now...3..2..and here it comes," I predict right as my ringtone goes off and Harry's name flashes across my screen.

"Hello?" I pick up, putting the phone in between my shoulder and cheek while I stir the contents of my cup, watching the milk turn the dark brown colored tea into a lighter, creamy color.

"How do I get her to be interested? She's just doing homework right now," he sounds confused and I can imagine the poor lad tugging on his hair.

"What?" I nearly burst into laughter. For someone who doesn't have great school standings, I find it hilarious the one time she's studious is on her one-month anniversary. 

"I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Is it because I'm wearing a pink apron? Is that a turn off?" 

"I don't know, Haz," I chuckle.

"I even made spaghetti! That's romantic, right? Like, Lady and the Tramp? We can share a noodle or something until our noses touch, right?"

"Are you seriously following a movie about two dogs for romantic ideas?" I scrunch my nose up. 

"Was that a bad move? I don't know what to do! Isn't Disney the key to everyone's heart?" he sounds frantic. 

"You know, I can hear you, right?" Selena's voice echoes in the background. 

"Pft, I knew that, pft," Harry scoffs. 

"Christ, Harry, you're not even talking far away from her?" I shake my head. This boy's doing everything wrong.

"Gotta go! I'll tell you everything later!" he whispers as if that will suddenly resolve everything.

"I can still hear you, you know that?" Selena hollers in the background and the line goes dead.

Bloody idiot. 

Harry's POV: 

"I don't dance."

"Pft, everyone dances," I lean against the sink with my arms folded over my chest. After my embarrassing call, Selena agreed to eat and spare me the humiliation but the pink never left my cheeks. She playfully kicked my foot under the table at times, only for me to look up at her and have her turn away, trying to hide the snort from my previous actions. 

You done fucked up now, Harry. 

I had to wash the dishes to take my mind off of the whole thing while she resumed her homework. My attention reverts to her once I hear her reply. 

"Zayn doesn't," she counters.

"Yes he does..." I trail off. She gives me a questioning look, knowing he admitted this last time we had a group dinner.

"Well, he does when he's buzzed on alcohol. But still," I pull her up from the seat and close the textbook, leaving the lined paper she was taking notes on as the bookmark.

"Just think of it as some prep for prom," we intertwine fingers and I gently tug her closer to me so our chests were pressed to each other.

"How do you even know if I will go with you?" she hums. 

"I'll buy the sexiest tuxedo so you can't say no," I shrug as if it were obvious. 

"Sure, whatever," she laughs but I take the fact that she doesn't deny anything as a good sign. We begin swaying much to her dismay and I slowly release our fingers to slide my hands down to her waist. The music changes to a familiar cover by Michael Buble and I notice she grow quiet.

"L is for the way you look at me
O is for the only one I see
V is very, very extraordinary
E is even more than anyone that you adore..."

"What's wrong?" I study her face and once I see some moisture in her eyes, I begin to panic. 

"Is the idea of prom with me that bad?" my face looks nothing but worried. She laughs at my response softly and slightly somber, shaking her head. 

"This is just one of my parents' favorite songs. They always danced to this on their anniversaries."

"Well, in that case, I hope it becomes our anniversary song too," I wrap her up in a hug, stroking her hair and feeling her cheek pressed up against my neck. 

Selena's POV: 

The music continues to play as we just stand there in the middle of his living room. All thoughts of homework are out of my mind and I can only focus on the hypnotizing smell of my boyfriend and the security I felt in his grasp. My cheeks flush at the implication of his earlier statement. Maybe someday, Harry. 

I let my head lie on his chest, feeling his steady heart beat. His body brings me nothing but warmth and I never felt so comfortable. People aren't lying when they say home isn't a place, but a person because I think I found mine. 

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