20. All I Want

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Harry's POV: 

"Thanks for the new lens, mum," I smile in full appreciation as the woman who popped me out of her, wraps me in a warm hug, lips leaving a kiss on my cheek. I sure don't deserve it for going against most of her wishes the past few months; I'm still waiting for her to grow onto Selena much to her dismay. Gemma laughs before shoving me aside, "It's my turn now." 

We sit in a small circle, my mum and Robin on the couch while Gemma and I sprawl ourselves on the ground, our legs outstretched. She nearly squeals as her favorite make-up brand's new eyeshadow palette is in her hands, her lips dropping 'thank you's' fervently. I roll my eyes. How can a few tiny squares of colored powder make someone that excited? Each to their own, I guess. When we're almost done opening presents and the marshmallows in our hot chocolate have fully melted, Robin clears his throat. I lean on my palms pressed to the taupe carpet, my arms straight and angled behind me. He declares that he has a day full of activities for him and my mum, hoping that it's okay that he's stealing her from us for this holiday. Gemma turns to me and her suggestive wink leaves me a bit confused.

"It's okay, we've got plans," my older sister responds for the both of us. 

"We do?"

"We do," she nods with full confidence and mum seems pleased enough with her answer. She kisses the top of both of our heads, repeats the "be good" mantra, and is soon out the door with her lover. 

"I wish dad was here with us," I sigh, internally cursing my head for saying it out loud. Gemma turns to me with a flat look, annoyed that I brought something not-so-cheerful up on potentially the most jolly day of the year. 

"Can you not? I was just about to drag you to your girlfriend's house and now you want to talk about sad things?"

"I'm sorry it just slipped ou--Wait, what? We're going to Selena's?"

"Crystal invited me, I guess us, over," she shoves the screen of her phone in my face as if to provide evidence she isn't lying just to get something out of me. 

"Then what are we doing sitting here talking about sad things?! I got a beautiful girl to see!" I shoot up from my lazy position and quickly stumble up to my room to retreive her gift. My feet tumble over another as I make it up and down the stairs in a rush, nearly tripping on my clumsy steps. God, whose idea was it to put this many stairs in this house? It's so unnecessary. 

Gemma rolls her eyes, laughing as I finally make it to the door where she patiently waits. The whole car ride over consisted of her teasing me about how whipped I am and questioning about our sweet moments. I pretend to be all cool, tucking one arm behind my head and trying to swiftly keep the conversation subtle, but end up dishing all about our kisses and dates, not able to contain my utmost excitement.

"She's just really pretty and funny and adorable and smart and when she's like badass, God, that's so hot, but like she's also the sweetest person ever but like in a nonchalant way and wow and sometimes I look into her eyes and I can't tell if she just shines that brightly or if I'm seeing stars from being so awestruck and..."

"Uh-huh," she glances at me once in a while at the stop signs, beckoning me to continue, so I do. I confessed to her that as much as she thinks and as much as I dream, Selena isn't actually my girlfriend...yet.

Tyler's POV: 

"Are we really wearing this?" Selena groans. I'm supposed to take the green side but she insisted that if I force her, she gets to decide what part she wants. I shrug since there's nothing wrong with purple to me.

"Yes," I beam, too happy at the moment to let any negativity bring me down. We've been dressed since early morning and we just finished going through all of our gifts for each other. Selena gave me the vinyl record I wanted for the Neighborhood and she gave Derek another bottle of his favorite cologne, the same one dad wore. Selena and Holland both pitched in to get Dylan some new running shoes as if to suggest he needs to stop practically living on the couch, and Selena got Crystal a mixer since she loved baking so much and Holland, a red tote that shes been eyeing. In return, Crystal and Holland got Selena a dark long navy dress and some matching heels which they both said is what Selena would've wanted for prom but would never buy herself. It was nice but I don't really like the idea of my sister dressing up that nicely for anyone at school. Selena rolled her eyes saying she might not even go to prom but they said it was nonsense and would force her to attend senior prom. Dylan and I bought Selena a plethora of snapbacks so she'd stop stealing ours and Derek decided to gift the three of us siblings what we were wearing right now.

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