8 - i'm to blame

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ashton mackenzie

Sometimes I wonder how many life decisions I've made that have changed the entire trajectory of my life.

Like, small things. Maybe if I hadn't woken up late on the day of my SATs and had to reschedule, I would have failed the first time I took them anyway.

Or, maybe if I didn't go home with Greyson last night I wouldn't be sitting in his empty hotel bathtub with a rash between my legs and a bitch of a hangover.

I don't know what I was thinking, honestly.

I think I thought that having sex with someone will get my mind off of Harry, but that obviously didn't work, because I genuinely couldn't stop picturing him all fucking night.

It felt so wrong. Like I probably won't even be able to look him in the face again to be completely honest.

I'm embarrassed and the only person who even knows about it is me.

"Ash, are you alright?" Greyson's voice questions through the door, accompanied with a couple of knocks and a very worried tone, "You've been in there for a while, princess."

I've always hated that fucking nickname. He's the only person that calls me that and hearing him say it again last night and this morning is giving me severe flashbacks to a time I would much rather forget about.

"Yeah, Grey, I'm alright, just going to take a quick shower. I'll be right out," I respond, desperately trying to get him to not come in.

"Can I come join you?" his voice drops a few octaves when he speaks this time, and I roll my eyes a bit.


Before I even have the chance to decline, the door is being pushed open and Greyson is walking in with a smug smile on his face.

Why the fuck didn't you lock the door, Ash?

"C'mon baby, we can be quick," he pleads, and I'll be honest, I don't have a great back bone, "Why are you just sitting in there, silly?" He questions me, and I just now realize I am literally just sitting in the dry bathtub with his t-shirt on and nothing else.

"Just chilling," I smile, "how quick?"

His smirk intensifies, and his arms move so quick to rip off his own t-shirt that I can barely even see them flying in the air when he moves to slip off his jeans and boxers before grabbing my arms that were rested on the side of the tub, pulling me to my feet and grabbing the hem of my shirt to pull it off.

His hands find my hips and his lips find my neck as he blindly pushes me further into the tub and steps in, closing the shower curtain and turning on the water. His lips move to smash into mine right as the freezing cold water hits our sides, making us both squeal and laugh into the kiss, but not break it.

Before I know it, I'm being pushed against the shower wall as the heating up water hits his back and begins to steam up the small hotel bathroom.

Greyson's hands move to lace his fingers in my hair while I grab his hips and pull them together, earning a low groan coming from his mouth and into mine. He pulls away for a second and leans his forehead on mine, looking deep into my eyes for just a second before looking down and watching my lips that are framing the panting breaths leaving me while he speaks to me.

"What are you doing this weekend?" He breathlessly asks.

"Uh, I don't know, why?" I question.

"Stay here, you can be my date to the wedding, I have yet to fill my plus one spot and I'd love to spend the weekend with you... in this shower specifically. Maybe even the bed. We could also use the pull-out couch," he smirks. God, this kid has always been a fucking horndog.

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