27 - where we start

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harry styles


The rain. 

Her lips. 

The song. 

It couldn't have been more perfect. 

I don't know exactly what I did to deserve such a stars-aligning moment in my dull, humdrum life, but I am thanking every God out there for it. I guess Ashton is what makes it so incredible. That's the effect she has on me. 

We kissed and kissed and kissed until we were blue in the face and our toes had disappeared from our shoes in sheer numbness. We pulled away only to rush back together as if our mouths had suddenly grown into magnets. I didn't want to stop-- I didn't know how to stop. It felt like she was the medicine to a sickness I've had my entire life, and if I stopped, I would suffer. Like she was the antidote to the poison that is my life. 

We finally stopped to take panting breaths against each others' faces, smiling and soaking in our clothes. 




Every word you can think of, that's how the kiss felt-- how I am still feeling.

It hasn't been long since I reached my arms underneath Ashton, earning a cute squeal from her as I heaved her up and ran onto the porch, dropping her there while I ran to the car. I turned it off and found my key to the cabin before I woke up Nova, carefully wrapping her up in the blanket she had been sleeping on top of and making a run for it back to the front porch, finding Ashton wet and shivering. 

"I'm sorry, Baby. I'll start the fire first thing," I immediately said and was met with her chattering teeth forming a soft smile in my direction. 

I unlocked the front door, swinging it open with a waft of stale air hitting us. It wasn't much warmer than outside, and I knew it wouldn't warm up for a while either. I let Ashton in and followed quickly with Nova, both Ash and I leaving a trail of dripping water through the dark entry until the lightswitch. She flipped it on and revealed the place to us. We didn't have many wills to take in the home around us because we were freezing our butts off, but I recognized that it hadn't changed much since the last time I was here. Violet, Drew, and I got drunk off our asses at the cabin towards the beginning of Vi and Hank's relationship. Drew did end up breaking a lamp, and Violet was pissed that she had to tell her then-brand-new boyfriend that her idiot friends were playing beer pong with his coffee table and a comically large clump of duct tape as a ball, and they broke a lamp. 

The way Hank was so cool about it did seal the deal for me. I knew he was good for her, and that only gave me more proof. If you can handle Drew and me, you can take Violet. 

I led Ashton into the living room, turning on another switch to light it up and placing Nova on the couch, tucked into her blanket to keep her warm. 

Once I made sure the fire was going and heating the room properly for my girls, I turned to Ashton, who was still shaking, standing in a straight line in the center of the living room. I turned my head in a silent ask of why she hadn't wrapped herself up or even just sat down. 

"I'm all wet. I don't wanna ruin anything," she answered in a small voice, and I failed to fight back a grin when I stepped closer to her. My hands found the sides of her face like they were made to be there and only there, and her lips were on mine before I could even register, cold and soft. Contrasting, but when is she not? 

It was delicate as our lips slipped away from each others', filling the absence with chilled pants and silly smiles.

"Why don't you go take a shower? Warm up. I'll bring in our things and leave your bag outside the bathroom so you can change when you get out,"  I suggested, and she agreed, saying she'd be quick and try to get out and help, leaving a lasting peck on my mouth when she strode away, but I knew I would be done before she was. 

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