31 - come as you are

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ashton mackenzie

My feet are not made to tread quietly across hardwood floors, and they squeak with every step as I make my way into Harry's room. I set two mugs full of coffee on his bedside table, careful not to clink them together in any way as I crawl onto the edge of his bed.

His sleeping form gives me butterflies, as does a lot about him, and his back lifts with soft breaths as he sleeps peacefully on his stomach, face squished into my pillow. Or, well, the pillow I sleep on when I sleep in his bed-- which is actually quite often, so it might as well be my pillow.

I climb up his body and ungracefully, aimlessly plop my body on top of him, blowing a raspberry into the skin of his shoulder. When he doesn't budge, I pull back to sit on the back of his hips and watch his breaths sped up. My eyes flit to his face to see the slow smirk pulling, and before I can react, he's flipping us both over. I land on the mattress with a thump and a curly-headed puppy pinning me down and grinning profusely.

I gasp, "you fucker!"

"Me? You were the one about to wake me up like that!" Harry reasons, his teeth exposed and dimples poking through.

"I was bringing you coffee, asshole. And you were already awake."

"Mhm, whatever you say, Beautiful," Harry hums, leaning down to steal a kiss, deepening it far too much for this time of the morning, but I can't complain.

That's really what it's like with Harry. Every night that we've spent together, which has been a good amount of them since we first did at the cabin almost a month ago, he's found a way to woke me up in a sweet way. Whether it was coffee or ordering breakfast or starting the shower for me-- only for me to have to push him away from getting in with me so I could make it to work on time-- he's always the one up first and doing sweet things first.

When my eyes opened this morning, and his were still closed, I knew it was my one and probably only chance to reciprocate. So I got up, careful not to wake him when I pried his arm away from my waist, and I flew to the kitchen to make coffee. It was small, but it was something.

Thankfully Drew wasn't up yet, because then I wouldn't have gotten in and out as quickly as I did. Violet isn't home, so she wouldn't have been much of a roadblock, though Vi and I aren't nearly as close as Drew and I. We've had conversations here and there, but usually when the boys are around or just small talk. She seems like a genuinely amazing person, though, and I wish I had the opportunity to know her better, but we work such opposite schedules. Even whenever the whole group of us hangs out, more often than not, she's working.

Nonetheless, Violet is someone I'm grateful to have found with Harry. They're all so amazing and welcoming. I couldn't ask for better people to spend my time with.

Harry included.

"Oh my god!" he breaks apart our kiss to gasp, and I'm watching him with concern written in my eyes before he continues, "it's Halloween, Baby!!!"

Harry's grin stretches from the tips of both ears, and it makes one appear on my face too. I can't help it.

"It sure is."

He jumps up in excitement, his limbs flailing as he dances around. I erupt into laughter and watch him reach to pick up his mug of coffee and bring it to his lips. He lets out a big sigh after his sip, setting it back down and reaching out a hand for me.

"C'mon, darling. We have a costume party today!"

Harry and I manage to get ready together without too many distractions, and before I know it, we're cuddled on his couch watching a Halloween movie.

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