30 - walking on sunshine

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harry styles

I expected questions when I got back home. I expected curiosities and knew that Connor and Felix had passed around words. We aren't the kind of group to omit gossip from one another about one another.

I wasn't expecting to walk into my living room to my roommates waiting for me, expectantly, though.

Mine and Ashton's night in the cabin and the day afterward were absolutely fantastic. Better than I could have imagined. We catnapped after our activities-- or rather, Ashton catnapped. I laid with her for a few minutes before I got up and started to clean up the cabin so we could get her home in time to settle and sleep before work tomorrow.

I dropped her off at her door with a long goodbye. My lips couldn't seem to stay off of hers. After I said I would leave, every additional kiss left her in giggles, which made me want to smother her even more. God, I'm obsessed.

I was giddy the whole way here, replaying her promise to text me and see me soon in my head when I parked my car and unloaded my trunk—picturing her hands in my hair and the look on her face when I made her come as I stepped up to my door.

All of that only for my mood to be ruined by the two sons of bitches that I live with.

"Hi, H," Violet's voice is sincere and fake all at the same time.

I drop the duffle bag I packed haphazardly earlier on the floor next to me as I walk further into the loft to speak to them, "what's up?"

It's quiet for a second before Drew is bursting at the seams with excitement, his words coming out in a shout, "DID YOU FUCK HER?"

"Drew!" Violet spits out next to him, and I can't help but laugh. I tuck my hands into my pockets as I shift my weight to my other leg, impatiently waiting for whatever their point for this conversation is.

"Well?" he defends, "did you?"

I turn on my heel, picking up my bag and making a stride towards my bedroom, calling over my shoulder, "leave me alone, Drew."

"If you don't tell me, I'll just ask her tomorrow."

"Good luck with that, D," I smirk, shutting my door with them on the other side.

I'm not surprised by their prying because it really is just how we are with each other, but I'm at a place where I can laugh at it. He's not getting anything from me, and if Ashton chooses to tell him, then she can. I just want to respect her as much as possible. I don't know if she wants people to know since we're not in a relationship. But I don't mind either way.

I unpack my stuff peacefully and send Ash an 'I got home safely' text, reminiscing more about the past forty-eight hours-- reminiscing about her. I feel like it can't be healthy how much my mind circles around the topic of her. I replay conversations I've had with her, imagine new ones, picture her hand in mine and her body curved to fit against mine, wonder about the next time I'm going to see her.

What the fuck is happening to me?

Her words leave me with butterflies even hours later, and I'm left wondering how I even got here.

A soft knock on my door stops my mind from reeling anymore, and I watch as Violet pokes her head in. I nod for permission to come all the way in, and she shuts the door behind her.

"I'm sorry about Drew," she winces slightly, and I shrug it off. She looks apprehensive as she speaks again, "I have to tell you something, and I figured we could do a little trade-off of information to make me feel better about telling you."

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