41 - new years day

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ashton mackenzie

I don't want to sound dramatic, but I have had the best few days of my life.

It's kind of hard not to sound dramatic when I'm saying things like that, but I genuinely mean it. I haven't been this happy in the longest time, and I hate that I know it's all because of some stupid, shaggy-haired angel that hasn't left my side since we made it official.

Okay, he's not stupid, but my obsession with him is.

We've been inseparable for the last three days. They've mostly been spent at my place, but we did make a trip to the loft to get him some more clothes, even though we weren't wearing them a whole lot.

We shared the news with Violet and Drew while we were there, too, to which Drew screamed that he called it, and Violet handed him ten bucks. We didn't bother asking what exactly their bet entailed and instead chose not to take offense from it.

Everyone else was really happy for us too, and as the word spread throughout Harry's and now my friend group (rather quickly, I might add), we got a few texts of congratulations. Mainly saying something along the lines of, "fucking finally!" But same difference.

We've nearly finished my list of movies, which simply means we have to move on from the rom-com genre to the thrillers. Harry acted like that was a relief, but I can tell he likes the lovey-dovey stuff more. He underestimates how much I know him.

Tonight is New Year's Eve, and while I expected a party from the gang, Harry told me they have a tradition they like to do instead. Game night.

It's funny that their last game night was where we met, and now the next one, we're showing up together as boyfriend and girlfriend (and also, I'm madly in love with him).

I've refrained from telling him, less so because I'm a pussy, and more because I think it's too soon. Also, because I'm a pussy. I don't want to ruin something so new and so... perfect. I would never forgive myself.

So I've been biting my tongue instead. There have been times where it's almost slipped out, whether it was when he was leaving for a shoot, or he made me coffee and brought it to me in bed, or when he was being really cute with Nova. It's hard to keep it all in, but I've managed so far. I don't know how much longer I'll be able to.

Especially when he looks like he does.

"Love? Do these shoes match?"

I turn to see him by the front door. His head hangs over to look at his feet, leaving all of his hair to curtain his face. The shoes are one of the lighter colors of boots that he's gathered by my entryway, and his shirt is a champagne color. It's silky and just makes me want to run my hands all over him. I always want to run my hands all over him.

"Yes, they do. You look good, baby." I smile, and that earns me a look at his face when he flips his head back up and shows off a lopsided grin.

"Not as good as you, my love." Harry saunters over to where I'm planted on the couch with Nova. Her head is in my lap, and I'm thankful I didn't go with my black dress option. Harry's lips find my forehead, and when I lean up to look at him, he captures my lips too. One, two, three quick kisses, and his hands are reaching down for me. "Are you ready to go?"

I grab his hands while I nod, eager to see our friends, excited to join the tradition, to which I was invited by everyone, not just Harry. They all started it a few years ago, and it stemmed from one night where the only party they could find on the night of the New Year was a bust. They all went back to the loft in their party outfits and played board games instead, getting wine drunk over a deck of cards and counting down to midnight together on the roof.

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