42 - beyond

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ashton mackenzie

He loves me.

I love him more than I ever thought I could love someone.

It doesn't feel different, and maybe because I've been in love with him for so long, but our hands and breaths and bodies work together in the same way as always. There's just a new meaning behind all of it. A new word we can use.

And he does.

"I love you." Harry pulls back from my face to gasp out the words, his hands petting over my face, watching it intently like it's going to change if he doesn't memorize it.

"I love you, too," I say, my voice breathless and happy. So happy.

His lips find my jaw, and I turn to give him more room when he speaks against it. "Say it again, would ya?"

I laugh. "I love you."

Harry hums. "I love you more."

My gasp pulls him away from my skin with a devious grin on his face. My jaw falls. "How dare you say that."

"Oh, shut up, Beautiful. Just accept it." Before I can retort, Harry's hands are digging under my thighs, and he's hoisting me up over his shoulder and making his way towards the door to go back inside. I gasp at the suddenness of his movements and wrap my arms around his neck to hold on.

"You can't just end an argument by picking me up and leaving," I whine.

"Uhh, I just did, little bear. Keep up." A small smack to my butt makes a squeal leave my throat, and I bounce on his shoulder with a laugh on every step of the stairs until we're on his floor.

He runs us in, past the group in the loft who I know is going to give us shit for it, and all the way to his bedroom, shutting the door with his foot and locking it immediately.

"Harry, what are you-- AH--" he tosses me on the bed before I can finish, and I have to lift myself up on my elbows to see him running around the room, seemingly in a hurry. "What are you doing, baby?" I ask, pouting out my bottom lip.

I watch him walk over to his record player that is dusty from not being used enough. He brushes it off with his hand, and then wiggles his fingers over the bin of records next to it before pulling out one of them and throwing it on.

I don't have the time to focus on the music that starts playing before he's leaping forward and landing on top of me with a thud. His lips land on mine briefly, and then they pull back only enough to speak.

"Say it again," he whispers.

"I love you." I don't hesitate.


"I love you."


"I love you, Harry. I'm in love with you."

With one more kiss on my lips, he backs up, straddling my hips and pinning me down to the bed. His hands roam my torso, hesitating to move my dress while his eyes follow.

"What'cha thinking, baby?" I ask, earning his eyes back on mine, hands gripping my sides now.

"I love you," he responds.

"Yeah?" I ask, and he nods. "Good, because this would be pretty embarrassing for me otherwise."

Harry's cheeks tint a pink color when he falls back down and tucks his face into my neck. My arms move to wrap around him, trying to hug him closer.

Harry's breath tickles my neck when he speaks, lowly and breathy. "Can I touch you?"

"Do you want to?" I ask. Harry nods, and I reach to pull his head in front of my face so I can see him. "Then, please."

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