33 - tomorrow's comin'

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ashton mackenzie

A whine from the bed pulls my attention to the mop of curls on the pillow. I watch him hold his arm up, his eyes curtained by miles of hair that he's let grow out significantly.

"Why aren't you in bed with me right now?" His tone is joking and stern all at the same time.

I laugh, "Violet invited me to brunch with Ilene, and it's almost eleven. You should get up."

He groans, flipping onto his side. "Okay, mom."

"That I am," I lean down to place a kiss on his head, "I will call you when I get home." I start to walk away, but he's grabbing my wrist and pulling me back immediately.

"Wait, you're not coming back here?" His pout makes me feel genuinely guilty.

"I gotta go home to Nova, Babe." I brush a stray curl off of his forehead, and he smiles at the action.

"Bring her here."

I smirk, moving into him, so our lips are hovering together, "how about you go over there?"

His smile grows three sizes. "You drive a hard bargain, Beautiful."

I can't help but laugh, "Is that a no?"

"That's a 'hell yes.'"

I peck his lips, both of our grins too wide for it to work, before turning around and making my way towards the door.

"I'll call you when I'm leaving the restaurant then."

"Sounds like a plan." I turn around to look at his beauty one more time. His chest is exposed, and his hair is a gorgeous mess. You'd be surprised how much willpower it takes not to jump his bones right now. I look back up at his eyes when he speaks once again. "You look beautiful, by the way."

It makes me blush every time.

"Thank you," I say, and he gives me a wink from his bed before I'm forcing myself out of the apartment completely.

I was surprised, to say the least when Violet invited me to brunch. I've never actually hung out with her without Harry. I haven't hung out with any of them without him except for Drew, and that's only at work. Other than that, my sole friend is Nova.

Well, and now Harry. He's inadvertently become my best friend, and I know this is just setting me up for a disastrous heartbreak when the time comes, but I can't find it in me to care when I'm this happy. It's scary how much time I can spend with him and never get sick of him. I want him around all day, every day. Dangerous is a very accurate description, and I'm only slightly terrified of it.

But Ilene and Violet have become my... half friends in a way. More than acquaintances, but not best friends. I care for them both so deeply, though.

When I walk into the restaurant, they're both already there looking at their menus. Ilene sees me first and is standing up immediately to hug me. Violet follows after, both of them greeting me kindly and allowing me to sit down.

"How have you been, Ash?" Ilene's sweet voice would be like music to anyone's ears, I'm convinced.

"I'm good. How are you two?"

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