Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Sophie threw her gaze across Havenfield as they leaped in. Why the Neverseen had chosen her adopted family's home, Sophie couldn't begin to guess. If it was supposed to make her nervous, then job well done.
Grady had seen the Neverseen before Sophie could tell them and escaped to Alluveterre. At least he was safe.
"Fintan!" Councillor Bronte yelled. Sophie knew he was already gathering his energy. They hoped they wouldn't have to fight, but Sophie didn't doubt there would be conflict.
Sophie watched Bronte's eyes and was surprised to find.... some pity, some anger, and another emotion she couldn't read. She had never asked if Bronte and Fintan were friends. It appeared they were, a long time ago.
"Bronte, always a pleasure." Fintan strode out from behind one of the animal pens. Sophie assessed the small group following him. Lady Gisela of course, her mouth puckering when she noticed the lack of her son. Three cloaked members behind them with their weapons ready. It occurred to Sophie that most members chose to hide behind a disguise rather that parade around like Fintan. Did she know the faces behind those masks?
Sophie didn't want the answer.
What really shook Sophie was the two ogres at the group's sides. She didn't think any ogres had stayed loyal to the Neverseen but she was wrong.
Sophie shook the edge off her voice and tried to sound calm, "Where's my sister?"
"Right to business Moonlark?" Fintan cocked his head.
Sophie didn't respond and Fintan sighed, "Where is Mr. Sencen?"
He sounded irritated and from the uncomfortable space between him and Lady Gisela, Sophie didn't believe he actually wants Keefe. "He's ready to leap in at my command. But first my sister Fintan."
He paused, then waved a hand. One of the masked members pulled something out from behind his cape....
She looked worse than she did last time. Much worse.
Her skin was so pale, almost translucent. You could see the blood pumping too slowly through her veins that now stood out like scars across her body. Amy's lips were the only thing with color, blood speckling the edges of her mouth. Her eyes looked up at Sophie and she seemed to plead for something. But Sophie couldn't read her numbed lips.
Bronte gasped from beside her and Sophie was shaken from her surprise. Fintan's raised his eyebrows, "And Mr. Sencen?"
Sophie carefully slid a star out from her long sleeves and sized up the group while twisting the cold metal in her hand. She could take Fintan, maybe long enough for Bronte to leap Amy away.
But a crisp, cocky voice broke the moment.
please no. Please, please, please....
"Obsessed with me already Finny?" Keefe teased from behind Sophie.
Sophie spun around with glare that cut through his smirk. "What are you doing?" She said breathlessly.
He looked down with sudden shame, "I couldn't let you take the risk...."
"Smart boy," Gisela tug a finger towards him, "Come here."
Keefe struggled for a moment because Sophie's begging eyes were holding him there. And then he walked forward. Sophie wanted to reach out, her insides burning as he passed her but she couldn't move. Every limb as locked in place. Sophie felt sweat run down her face as she struggled to even lift a finger.
Son one was using their telekinesis to keep her there. And given the fact Sophie was running on almost no sleep and no food, it couldn't have been very hard.
Sophie turned to Fintan first, but saw the sweat running off Keefe's forehead and gaped. He was keeping her there. Keefe winced at sadly as he caught her gaze and Sophie watched his mother grip his shoulder tightly. Sophie felt the invisible bounds release her and she stumbled forward.
Fintan dragged Amy a few feet forward and tied a bottle around her neck. "Pleasure doing business with you."
Sophie scrambled to Amy and felt her heart pick up with every step. She started to untie the bottle while stroking Amy's face, when the Councillors stepped forward.
"We are not done." Councillor Nolan shouted.
Fintan started pull out a leap crystal and Keefe was ripped backwards into the arms of the ogres. "No, we are done here."
Sophie slipped the bottle into Amy's mouth and called after Fintan, trying to stop what was happening while saving her sister. "Wait!"
The Ancient elf turned slowly and his smile crept upwards, "Relax Moonlark, we'll have plenty of time to chat later. Don't worry about the wait. I'll be back."
There was a flash of light and Sophie dropped the vial from Amy's lisp, spilling the opaque liquid onto Havenfield's grasses. He was gone.
Keefe was gone.
Bronte cursed in some deep, strange language and drew an order to the goblins to check the grounds. Councillor Nolan opted joined them and soon it was just Sophie, Amy, and Councillor Bronte.
Sophie felt a hand at her shoulder but she was shaking too hard to turn around. Amy was getting stronger, Sophie could feel the strength pumping back into her small body.
It had all happened so fast.....
"I can't help but feel like we messed up. Like it went wrong." Sophie whispered.
Bronte crouched down beside her, "Amy is safe and that was our goal. Mr. Sencen brought this upon himself."
"We're still going to save him, right?" Sophie turned to Bronte and tucked the antidote's vial beneath her cloak.
"Of course." There was such power and strength his words that Sophie looked back to Amy, empty of questions.
She hoped Keefe knew what he was getting into.

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