Chapter Nineteen

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As much as Fintan tried to sound calm, Sophie could hear the anger and fear underneath his words.
What? Miss me? Sophie shot back while white knuckling her pillow.
Fintan growled, You shouldn't have left. But I'll make you a deal. I'd be willing to accept your apology if you came back now.
I'm not apologizing.
Really? Voice chilled colder with every word, I would hate to ruin that pretty little face of your sister's.
A rush of fear drove through Sophie but she bit it back. Amy was safe. The Vackers had promised it. Good luck finding her. She's gone.
Fintan shouted into the void and Sophie flinched. Seething he spoke, Come back.
No. The word was resistance enough.
You will regret this. Fintan whispered. Meet me by the Sanctuary. Now. Or you won't like what happens.
Sophie glanced back to the sleeping Edaline and slipped to the floor. They now had the location of Neverseen members, possibly Fintan.
Do you promise to forgive me? Sophie lied, trying to feign concern and hope.
His grin was almost visible and Sophie his her own. Of course. Just come back.
I will. Sophie whispered back, her feet already sprinting her into the common area between the treehouses.
As soon as Fintan's presence evaporated from her mind, Sophie yelled out for the Collective. They came all too quickly. So did her friends, grim faced and tired.
As she explained what she had heard from Fintan, Sophie tried to ignore everyone pitying stares. Especially Edaline's. That one hurt the most.
"I'll send some members over right now." Juline was standing on the bridge looking at them. She had red raw eyes and a slight sniffle. Turning away, Sophie didn't doubt she would send more than a few members.
Sophie took a much needed breath and the air helped brush away some of the anxious build up. The Collective was to her left and Sophie turned to them. "Until then, I need to know where my sister is."
There was a slight hesitation and Sophie saw the glances that were exchanged. None of them looked good. "What?" Sophie whispered, then much firmer, "What?"
Della eyes the others, begging something of them silently. She used a calm voice that despite its kindness had an underlying demeaning tone. "All you need to know it that is she completely safe."
"Where. Is. She?" Sophie's voice was so low and quiet, yet dangerously close to a yell. She would not let them keep Amy from her.
Della's smile was strained and Sophie could tell she was really trying to be patient. "We thought that since your connection with Fintan, it might be better to keep more........ sensitive subjects secret."
Sophie scoffed and laughed drily, looking to her friends for their joking smiles. But everyone was just looking at her awkwardly. "He's not even in my head. Don't you understand that?" Sophie shot at them in disbelief.
Della fought back, sweeping Sophie's anger away gently. "Yes but-"
"No but, tell me where my sister IS!" It wasn't a yell but they went silent none the less. Sophie drew back a step in surprise and mumbled a quick sorry.
No one wanted to talk after that, but they couldn't go to bed without knowing what had happened. The group strew themselves over the common area, curling up on chairs and yawning. The exhaustion was also it tangible. Sophie took a seat far away from them, battling the wavering thoughts inside her. She could just reach out and pull the location from Della's mind, so easily.... But Sophie couldn't. Not after everything Della had done for her.
With plenty of time to fill, Sophie was suddenly struck by the nervous glances of the Collective. Minus two. Julien and Mr. Forkle. They had said he was away pursuing a possible recruit. Yet based off their behavior, it looked much more complex than that. Not like they would ever tell her, Sophie grumbled.
Suddenly a flash of light burst through the sleepy blanket of starlight and shadows, raising them from their tired positions. Juline and three other Black Swan members swathed in black stepped into the common area and out of the light. It took less than a second to tell it hadn't gone well. No Fintan obviously and their charred clothing said he hadn't just let them go.
Before they could ask, Juline waved her hands at the open-mouthed group. "We're fine. Truly." She side eyed the Colective and raised an eyebrow, "But we need to talk."
"Why?" Biana wheedled, her teal eyes piercing their stumbling excuses.
Juline narrowed her eyes, "We can talk in the morning."
Fitz took an impatient breath,"But-"
"-Stop Fitz. They aren't going to answer us." Keefe looked too tired to put up much of a fight. Sophie slunk away from the common series instead of listening to them fight uselessly for answers. She was more scared about what Fintan had said. The last thing she wanted was anyone being hurt because of her, as usual.
Sophie didn't want to return to the treehouse, she felt too awake now. So she took to one of the bridges near the main entrance, watching the shores come in and out. As the black sky started to fade to a lighter shade of navy, Sophie heard a pair footsteps behind her.
She bristled, assuming it was Edaline or Livvy coming to lecture her. But instead there was a high-pitched. squeaky voice. "Ms. Foster?"
Sophie spun around and couldn't help let out a little cry. She threw her arms around the goblin, barley reaching across his broad chest. She was smiling so hard that Sophie felt her cheeks start to cramp. She was embarrassed to find a little bit of a sniffle when they pulled away.
Sandor had been gone for weeks on goblin business matters he found too boring to tell Sophie. She still had a couple other bodyguards, but it didn't feel right without Sandor. Especially with everything going on.
"You have no idea how much I've missed you." Sophie whispered.
Sandor managed to blush under his gray skin and gave her a rare smirk, "Care to tell me what's been happening?"

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