Chapter Two

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Sophie froze, her hands dropping to her waist numbly. The pain from her head had instantly disappeared. But Sophie doubted she could even feel the headache if was still there.
Fintan was in her mind.
Her mind.
How was that even possible? Sophie's heartbeat was speeding up again, thumping so loudly she could hear it in her own chest. Pumping up in her ears. Sophie couldn't hear anything besides the echo of his words and the sound of her own heartbeat.
Fintan? Sophie asked, half believing she had dreamt his voice like a sick nightmare.
I'm still here.
Sophie felt herself wobble and she leaned against the counter, bile rising up her throat. Sophie yanked on the faucet and shoved another cupful off water in her face.
"No." She whispered to herself. "No, no, no!"
Water dripped off Sophie's face and she focused on the sound of it to pull her back. Opening her eyes, Sophie exhaled and and shakily grabbed the edge of the counter.
She had to make sure she covered the memories Fintan couldn't be allowed to see. It didn't matter how the echoes in her mind were stirring, the beast was moving....
No, Sophie clenched her jaw. Taking a shaky breath, Sophie grabbed the memories from her mind by pulling on a thread Mr. Forkle had her create. That way she wasn't thinking of the memories while she pulled them. Sophie stretched her own consciousness across them like a shield and waited with cold dread. Looking over Sophie realized her knuckles were white from gripping the counter so hard and Sophie released her hands just as he spoke again.
All you alright Miss Foster? His voice had all the grace of a cat playing with a helpless mouse. It was exactly how Sophie felt.
Sophie swayed on her feet and pressed her fingers to her temples as if she could push his voice away, How are you in my head? Even in her mind, Sophie voice cracked on the last word.
Fintan chuckled for a second and his needle like laugh made the hair on Sophie's arm raise. You can relax, I'm not actually in your mind.
Sophie's eyes fluttered open. What did he mean? Wrapping her arms around herself to keep from shaking, she asked, What do you mean?
For the world's most powerful telepath, you know so little about your ability.
She clenched her teeth together, Answer me.
Demanding doesn't suit you well. He responded nonchalantly.
Sophie couldn't stand the sound of his voice in her head, a disease that rustled up her shadow monster. She hated that she just wanted to curl up into a ball and hide under her counter, as if it could get rid of his voice. But she couldn't live in her own fear forever and Sophie had to know how he was talking to her. Are you just going to play with me or are you ever going to answer?
I don't know, I like hearing you afraid.
Her stomach dropped and Sophie swallowed the feeling down.
Again, how are you in my head Fintan?
Fintan sighed dramatically, Fine, I'll answer. But only because I can't wait any more time explaining. He paused. You are aware of the walls you put around your mind?
Sophie stayed silent.
Well there is a place beyond those walls. I am using this place to speak to you. Think of it like a Mind Limbo. I can transmit to you and you can transmit to me.
But you aren't even a Telepath. Sophie stated bluntly. She didn't know how to feel about the Mind Limbo. It wasn't something she had ever heard about and Sophie didn't want to know why.
No, but I have one of the most powerful ones on my side. Gethen can't hear us, but he is the one linking our minds right now.
Sophie didn't understand how Gethen had linked them. She remembered the tactic she used during base quest to search for minds, but the information only confused her more. How did he even find my mind?
Before Fintan could answer, Sophie was suddenly interrupted by Edaline's shout from downstairs. Guilt flooded her within the second. She had forgotten about Edaline. What would her parents think about her now, the freak with the psycho in her mind?
You're silent, have I said something?
The beast stirred and Sophie could almost see it stalking her, it's clawing raking into her mind and ripping up the progress she had worked so hard to make. Edaline yelled again and Sophie hugged her sides even harder. Tears started to blur Sophie's vision and she held a hand up to her mouth.
Sophie could hear Fintan's smile in her head. She was trying to stay brave, but the echoes kept breaking her down. Sophie sprinted down the stairs and collapsed into Edaline's arms. She didn't care that she felt like a child, she just wanted her mother.
Sophie breathed in Edaline, her slightly dusty smell from the flour, the fiery floral smell that followed her everywhere. Just thinking about Edaline helped clear Sophie's mind, but she still clung to her mother tightly.
Sophie could hear Grady coming from around the corner, but she could say a word. Her mind kept playing Fintan's voice saying Moonlark.

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