Chapter Fourteen

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You have Amy? Sophie's voice was shaking harder than her. She didn't even want to imagine what was happening to Amy right then. Would anyone close to her ever be safe?
Yes and I would suggest you come soon. Humans, I've discovered, don't handle the cold well.
Fintan's nonchalant voice made her furious but he pulled away before Sophie could question him further. Without even thinking, Sophie burst through the door. There was no doubt about it, she had to save her sister.
"Sophie?" Biana hiccup giggled from the floor and Sophie turned to see her friends' bright faces staring up at her.
"I'm just going to get some mallowmelt." Sophie mumbled and tried desperately to slow her pace to normal as she walked into the hallway. Once their eyes were off her back though, Sophie started sprinting to the top of the house. She would have to teleport outside the Sanctuary's gates but then how would she even know where to find them? The Sanctuary was huge and Amy could be anywhere....
Sophie slammed right into someone and they both stumbled away grunting. When she looked up, Sophie felt a sob tug at her lips.
He looked down on her with the usual concern, "Hey, what are you doing Sophie?"
Sophie paused. She could just tell him. They could figure it out. Sophie's heart burned and her lungs felt as if they were being drowned with all the unspoken words. But only seven could come out. "I'll be right back, just grabbing something."
It broke her heart lying to him, it was what she had to do. Grumbling something, Grady gave her shoulder a squeeze and continued down the staircase. Sophie pushed on back up the stairs and was surprised to find herself wiping at tears. It didn't matter what she did, she would always hurt them. This didn't change her actions though. Amy mattered to her and she couldn't jeopardize her safety.
The balcony seemed taller than ever before and standing on the tip of it made her feel as if she was on the edge of her world. Everyone would hate her for leaving but she had to do it. She had to leave.
Sophie stepped off.
The void cracked beneath her.
Black, then biting pain in her legs. Sophie opened her eyes to find herself calf-deep in snow. The Sanctuary mountain was mostly hidden with fog and blizzards attacked the titan of rock like flies. She had teleported to the front entrance and upon looking around Sophie sighed with immense relief to see a few dark figures only a couple hundred feet away.
Her teeth chattered violently against her will and Sophie tugged her cape around her. She really wished she had at least changed out of her school uniform before leaving. Digging deep into her Exillium training, Sophie trudged through the snow while focusing on the numbness in her toes.
A prideful hmph alerted Sophie they had seen her.
"Moonlark!" Fintna called out gleefully, "And I thought you'd never come."
Sophie breathed out, watched her breath float away and traced the path up to the figures. Her eyes settled on the small one huddling in the snow. They were shaking so hard Sophie feared they might just shatter.
Sophie gasped and her throat was clogged with the cold. Forcing her words out Sophie ignored Fintan's excitement, "Give her your cape."
Fintna raised his eyebrows, "What?"
Sophie glared up at him, "You heard me. You're a Pyrokinetic so you don't even need it. And why ruin the one thing that brought me here."
Fintna paused, then wrapped his cape around Amy's shivering figure with such delicacy it made Sophie sick. He whispered something one of the white-eye cloaked figures and they pulled Amy to her feet. Sophie had to look away as they leaped, unable to watch her sister leave again.
Fintna clapped once and rubbed his hands together, "Now then, we have somewhere to be."
Sophie could tell he was trying to appear calm and calculated, but even she knew that something had really scared him. Why was he so insistent on taking her all of the sudden? What did he know?
Sophie forced herself to take the step forward and into the arms of a Neverseen member. She looked up to see Ruy's face, a face she had not very often seen without a force field covering it.
One arm locked around her neck and pulled her against his body. The other one pressed a sweet, soft cloth to her mouth and nostrils. Sophie didn't even try to fight the sleep. Her feet grew slack first, then the rest of her body. Ruy squeezed his arm and Sophie's eyes rolled up. She caught a glance of the snow battled sky before the sleep covered her consciousness.

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