Chapter Fifteen

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Although it only felt like a second since she had passed out, Sophie didn't doubt if it had been hours or possibly days she was sedated. Her eyes still throbbed from waking up since everything around her was an alarming bright shade of white. Compared to the dingy Neverseen bases Sophie had seen, this one was too......
It reminded her of a hospital and the added factor of it being a Neverseen base contributed to the stomachache that was occupying Sophie's mind. The cell wasn't anything remarkable. There was a bed dressed with white sheets and a small bathroom branching off to the side of the small room. The only remarkable thing was the walls.
Once Sophie had woken up and gathered her scattered bearings, she attempted a transmit to Fitz. Her mind was completely blocked, like she was locked in. The feeling felt too similar at first and it didn't take Sophie long to figure out why.
The walls were made of ability restrictor technology. Sophie shouldn't have been so shocked, but she was still sitting perfectly in the middle of the room and trying to avoid touching the walls at all costs.
Sophie fidgeted with the edge of her school uniform and whispered softly to herself. "One thousand five hundred seventy three..... five hundred seventy four.."
She had started counting seconds after discovering the walls. It wasn't like she had much else to do. Just as she got to the two thousands, there was a dull click of a lock. Sophie eyed the door to her right and once she saw it move, she scrambled to the bed on the other side of the room.
It swung open and closed behind the visitor, Fintan. "Moonlark." He bowed dramatically. After hearing his voice in her head so long it was weird to hear him talk in person.
Sophie smoothed her internal shakiness and crossed her arms to fake a calm expression. "Fintan."
He spun around the cell and grinned, "I hope you are finding your accommodations pleasant."
Sophie narrowed her eyes, "Stop the act. Why did you kidnap me?"
Fintna sighed, "Are you honestly surprised at this point?"
He was right. The Neverseen were always pining after her for some reason or another. Suddenly the image of a shivering Amy crossed her mind again and Sophie blurted out, "Is Any okay?"
Fintna reached into his cloak and Sophie flinched, but he just he pulled out a Spynall. Wordlessly he handed it to her. Sophie took it, trying to keep her hands steady and held it close to her lips.
"Amy." She whispered.
The dark clouds in the ball billowed and dissipated to reveal Amy curled up in her bed, a sheen of sweat and pinched eyebrows painted across her face. She wouldn't recover from the event mentally for a while, but for now she was safe.
Sophie handed the Spyball back to Fintan reluctantly and hated the feeling of hollowness that was taking over her stomachache. She felt so alone.
Fintan gestured to her bed and Sophie took the seat. He waited for a moment and Sophie could tell he still had more to tell her. Without waiting, Sophie said. "I'm honestly tired of these games. I thought we were past this. Tell me the truth. Why am I here and how long will I be here?"
"You never were graceful with words." Fintan mused and Sophie wanted to smack his smirk right off his face. "As for the why, I can't tell you. You will, for the most part, be left alone. Perhaps with good behavior I could reward you with some books."
His demeaning tone reminded Sophie of a sedative, sweet and sickly. Her mood of disgust quickly changed with his next words. "I can answe your question about the how long."
He paused again and his bright eyes dug into her confidence, scrambling it.
"A year."
A year.
One year.
Sophie felt her empty stomach heave and tears pricked her eyes. An entire year? Stumbling through her emotions Sophie whispered, "Why?"
His expression washed away and switched to a cold, emotionless state. Fintan turned back to the door with a cold voice, "I hope you enjoy your time here."
Sophie's confusion disappeared and she threw herself at the door just as it closed. Her fingers desperately searched for seams along the side as her shouts were choked up. She couldn't stay there for a year.
"NO!" She finally shouted and slammed her hands against it with a resounding echo.
Sophie bit down in her tongue and dropped to the floor. She wasn't going to waste her time. But she wouldn't go easily. If Sophie was staying there she was going to get answers.
She was going to figure out why Fintan took her.

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