Chapter Twenty-Six

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Fintan was still silent as Sophie leaped into Flairmore. The lush estate tucked into a mountain crevice was where the Vackers had been keeping Amy. Sophie couldn't help admiring its warm brown trees that were covered with bright bursts of orange flowers.
Sophie felt someone brush up against her hand, Fitz. "The Flaire trees are beautiful this time of year. I was thinking about making a Flaire blossom flavored custard burst. Would you like that?"
Sophie knew he was trying to distract her, but she was still reeling from the news of Amy's disappearance. It had only been half an hour. She deserved to sulk.
Sophie slunk off wordlessly into the clean, white stone house. It reminded her of the old Greek temples with its pillars and hulking statues. Amy loved it, for sure. Della was inside the kitchen, her delicate beauty looking out of place with the copper and soot of the room. She gave Sophie a pitying look that almost ripped her composure to shreds.
No, she wouldn't break down here.
"Can I see her room?" Sophie piped, then stammered. "T-To see if they left anything behind. Just in case."
"It's up those stairs." Della pointed up a narrow staircase branching off from the kitchen. Sophie was relieved when Della didn't follow her and circled up the tower stairs. Amy's room was untouched, like a photograph. It was mostly unfurnished and you could barely tell anyone had lived there if not for the unmade bed and the pet hair lining the bed covers. Any hope of finding clues were gone. Sophie stepped into the room anyways.
Marty and Watson were being taken in by the Vackers, quite eagerly by Biana. So the room was truly empty. Sophie sunk to her knees and turned to to the bed, noticing black star pad sticking out. Sophie smiled and pulled Amy's backpack to her chest. It was unpacked completely but Sophie could still smell Amy on it.
There was a shuffle behind her and someone said, "Anything?"
The backpack crashed to the floor as Sophie stumbled to get to her feet. She turned red and felt her face warm uncomfortably as she recognized the angular face.
Councillor Bronte.
Of everyone to see her break down, it was him.
He cocked his head and Sophie blinked, "Oh yeah, uh.. no. No clues."
Bronte flicked the bed covers back and surveyed the room. "I didn't think so. Have you heard anything from Fintan?"
"No, he's been silent since. I don't even want to know what that means." Sophie admitted.
Bronte turned to her sharply, but with a soft look. He dropped his hands awkwardly to his waist and clasped them. Bronte stumbled with his words even worse than Sophie did on stairs. "Y-Your sister was very....... n-nice."
Sophie gave a weak smile. "Nice, yeah."
"We'll get her back." Bronte promised, but it wasn't his place to promise that. He couldn't be sure.
Sophie kicked the backpack back under the bed. "I'm going to help check the grounds. Maybe there's some...... footsteps."
Before Bronte could see her cringe, Sophie slipped out of the room. But she didn't head to the large, opened archways that led to the estate's courtyards where everyone else was. Sophie had to.....
She strode down the hallways a while before finding a small marble alcove. It felt nice to tuck her body into a tight position, like she was being hugged. Sophie grazed her fingers over the green stone and traced its white veins. Should she even bother reaching out to Fintan? It's not like he would answer.
Sophie was so tired of the kidnapping, the blackmailing, the fighting. And the secrets. So many secrets. She just felt numb now. All Sophie wanted to do was get Amy back. Then she would do what Amy would never allow.
Sophie promised herself she would have Amy's memeroy wiped. She would change her appearance, her memory, identity. She would wipe every last bit of herself off of Amy.
Sophie tucked her knees closer. She just wanted to remove herself from everyone.
Biana. She thought they were in the courtyards.
She heard Fitz and Dex mixed in with them. Sophie hugged the sides of the alcove and closed her eyes. She didn't even realize she was heading to the mind limbo before she was walking through it.
Fintan, Sophie said. She didn't even try to yell. He would hear her.
"Sophie c'mon!" Her friends were getting closer.
Fintan! Sophie felt her eyes now squeezing shut.
"Where are you!" They were rounding the corner.
But it wasn't Fintan who responded.
I'll send you the location of your sister within the next hour. Prepare to bring Keefe Sencen or don't bother coming.

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