Chapter Three

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"Mind Limbo?" Fitz frowned.
Sophie looked up blankly, she knew about as much as him. The thought made her bitter that Fintan was right about her not knowing anything in her ability. Luckily Councillor Emery seemed more familiar with the term. "I know of it, but I've never heard of someone using to transmit. Mostly Telepaths use it to pass on information without letting the person in their head."
"But Fintan is still in her head, isn't he?" Grady's voice was starting to sound like Sandor's as it rose and his arms around Sophie tightened.
Mr. Forkle sighed to break the room's tension caused by Grady's voice. Even an hour later, Sophie still found it strange to see Black Swna and Council shoulder to shoulder in her living room, but they had reluctantly agreed to meet in light of her situation. It gave her hope that one day the Collective and the rest of the Black Swan wouldn't have to hide.
"True Mr. Ruewen, but we have to stay calm."
"Stay CALM-"
Sophie put her hand on Grady's knee to stop him from shouting. Everyone's eyes turned to her and Sophie shrunk back into her parents arms. She had been silent the entire meeting, mostly listening for Fintan. But he had decided to stay quiet for a while.
"Can I help her somehow? Can she block him out?" Fitz asked, his brows so tightly knit Sophie thought they might never relax.
"I don't know," Councillor Emery admitted, "But here's what I can do. I'll take a look back at some of the ancient files from the first Telepaths. If anyone will know about this Mind Limbo, it's them. I'll have Councillor Oralie let you know if I find anything."
Sophie nodded in agreement, but honestly it didn't sound like he was very hopeful. Elwin stepped out from the behind one of the couches, absentmindedly make the light shimmer slightly around him. "I can work on an elixir to try to help you block him out."
Councillor Nolan gave Elwin a slight head nod, "Perfect."
It was the first time she had ever seen a different Councillor other than Emery or Bronte make a decision, even just to agree to something. She knew the Council was even, but she had never really thought about most of them. Had Nolan voted for her ability restrictor? Her exile? Sophie felt odd for not knowing these things, it would be useful to seek out her allies in the Council for the future.
"I'd like our own Physic to join him. She knows Miss Foster's genes better than anyone." Mr. Forkle said.
Sophie could tell the Council was ruffled by his remark, but they didn't say anything.
"In the mean time, just try to ignore him best you can. Is he talking now?" Emery asked.
The attention was on her again and this time she couldn't shrink away. Sophie shook her head, "No, he's been silent since I ran downstairs."
"Maybe we can use this to our advantage" Mr. Forkle said, leaving his thought open.
Sophie twisted her mouth, she hadn't thought of it like that. But he was right. She could manipulate Fintan as much as he could her. Grady tightened his hand and Sophie's short hopes fell. "Well I don't want her talking to him. I just want him out of her head."
Councillor Bronte sighed and pinched his forehead, "We all do Mr. Ruewen but if Sophie can tell interrogate Fint-"
"I can do it." Sophie said softly.
Grays looked down at her and his angry eyes softened to pity, "You don't have to."
"I want to," Sophie turned back to the Council, "Do you want me to try right now?"
She definitely wasn't hoping for a yes, but Sophie did feel better around her friends. There was the slight warmth that Keefe offered when ever she leaned near him or the tug in her mind that let her know Fitz was always there. So when the adults finally agreed she should reach out, Sophie took a deep breath and tried to imagine stepping out of her mind.
It was cold, no memories floated around or thoughts bubbling. This was actually dark, it felt dead. Her mind was alive but this place was just...
Fintan? Transmitting was the same, although it felt like she talking to a brick wall.
Moments later to her surprise he answered, I was wondering when you would reach out.
Her emotions must have spiked because a wave of a calm seeped into her. Keefe. Fintan made a disapproving sound in her mind.
You've already gathered the whole group I see. I'm assuming that was Gisela's son.
Sophie rubbed her arms as the prickly sensation of being watched overwhelmed Keefe's emotion waves, How did you know that?
I felt it too. This isn't just you out here, it's me too. Anything they try to do to me will happen to you too, remember that.
Sophie kept her eyes closed but she said, "Anything you do to me happens to him. Vice a versa"
She could hear Alden's voice cut through, "Does that mean you are talking to him?"
Sophie nodded and felt a cold grip on her hand, Edaline. "What do you want me to ask him?"
"Ask him about the magsidian." Dex piped up.
Sophie could hear the Council debating which topic should be first, but she was already going with Dex's.
So, what is the Neverseen doing with magsidian?
You think I'm going to just tell you? Fintan mused in a bored tone.
We could make a deal.
I don't think the Council would like that.
Sophie stiffened, Don't turn this against me. You know me and the Council don't see eye to eye, but they are still better than you.
Are you so sure? Remember, I was on the Council once.
Sophie held her breath.
And let me tell you, there's dark secrets hidden in those glittering caches. Don't be so sure the Council is all good.
Sophie exhaled with anger and started back into her mind. I'm done.
Fine, suit yourself. But don't ignore my words.
Opening her eyes, Sophie fell back to the couch. It didn't take her long to tell them about the unhelpful conversation. Sophie left out the part about her trying to make a deal and Fintan warning her about the Council. It wasn't necessarily a secret, but Sophie didn't want to tell them that a small part of her wondered what Fintan meant.
Councillor Bronte said they would be in touch and she shouldn't interact until they tell her to. Sophie knew they were trying to stay positive, but it was hard. Fintan wasn't just going to tell her everything obviously so what was the point of her?
Once everyone was gone, Grady and Edaline offered for Sophie sleep with them that night. But she didn't want to be around them. She didn't want them to see how she was practically shaking inside. Closing her door, Sophie exhaled and slumped against it in relief from all the attention and watchful eyes.
She was now just a burden, she couldn't even be useful. Why did the Neverseen find a way to ruin everything? Wiping the tears into her cape, Sophie leaned against the door since she too tired to commit to her bed. So she slept on the floor that night, overthinking everything Fintan had said. Mostly she wanted to know why the Neverseen decided to do this. There had to be a point to install their own dark little Jimmney Cricket in her mind.
But why?

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