Chapter Twenty-Five

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Sophie didn't pretend to notice the stares the Council gave her. They looked at her like Mr. Forkle did, as if Fintan followed Sophie's every move. She just looked back at them, making sure to keep her chin up. Sandor's presence beside her had helped, though he was forced to stay behind as they walked deeper into the chambers of the Tribunal Hall.
Since Ruy had only been captured an hour ago, they didn't bother taking him to Exile. They would later but for now he was being held in the cells below the glittering hall.
Keefe had insisted to come monitor both Sophie's and Fitz's emotions. He hadn't been the only one arguing who should go. He just happened to be lucky enough to earn permission from Mr. Forkle. The old, grumpy man was now regretting it. He frowned as Keefe skipped along the steps, an energy unmatched.
"Just one hour. The guards will be outside the doors at all times." Councillor Emery said, waving a quick hand to motion the guards already at the cell doors.
The cell was tight with the entire Council, Sophie, Fitz, Keefe, and Mr. Forkle. Ruy was sitting in the center, chained to a chair. He didn't look harmed, a few bruises and shallow cuts spotting his cheeks and jaw but those were most likely from Atlantis' fall. He didn't even move when they closed the door. Ruy just stared at them with those pale, blank eyes. It made Sophie's stomach roil with unease.
"Whoa there Foster, you can relax," Keefe leaned into her ear, grazing it with his lips as he whispered, "I'm right here."
True to his word, a sea of calm hit Sophie the next second and she grappled onto the feeling as she and Fitz approached Ruy's figure. The limo figure raised his head up to look at Fitz before settling his gaze on Sophie.
"What are you waiting for?" Ruy teased drily.
Sophie wouldn't let another second go to waste.
She entered his mind quickly, slicing down the mental walls as if they were made of nothing. Fitz followed behind her and they spread out into his mind. Asking Ruy questions was not an option. He wouldn't answer. So they had to search for themselves.
Ruy's mind was nothing remarkable, a jumble of memories and thoughts dancing around without pattern. There were dark parts, warm parts, and parts dipped in sugar.
Sophie head to the sugar lined ones first. Fitz went to the shadows. The dark ones were to obvious and the happy ones too bland to hide anything. Sophie doubted Fitz could see the aura that surrounds that part of Ruy's mind and she didn't want to tell him.
Yes, she would be looking for what the Council wanted. But she was also looking for answers of her own. And Fitz couldn't be there to see them.
The memories were expected. His younger years of eating deserts, sweet cheeked girls, all just sugary and short lasting. Sophie was tempted to go back, yet she pushed on. One memory floated past her, going too fast and Sophie's mind was hit. The memory spun a little yet she grabbed at it. Ruy's haunches rose at her action and she could feel his anger. Sophie played the memory.
Fintan was speaking with Ruy, a younger look on his ageless face. She guessed it was before she was born. Sophie couldn't tell where they were. The memory was so hidden with sweetness that Sophie gagged as she watched it. It didn't make any sense why it was with all the other memories. It's why Sophie paid close attention to it.
Fintan was talking with muffled words. Sophie tried to push, to hear, but there was a blur on his voice. He looked angry and pointed, heat rising in his eyes. Sophie shivered at the look. She had been at the receiving end of that look too many times.
Then, suddenly, the whisper brushed her mind. Sophie balked. No, Fintan couldn't...
Not now.
Moonlark? He called out.
While she was searching Ruy's memories with her mind, she must have left her mind limbo unguarded and therefore she couldn't block his voice.
Come here, we need to speak!
It was loud, impatient. Sophie would have ignored him, but she felt that Fitz could sense her anxiousness. And no doubt Keefe felt it too.
Trying her best to cover her emotions, Sophie switched into her mind limbo and kept her grasp tight on Ruy's memeory.
I'm busy. Simple, but all Sophie dared to say.
I don't care.
What do you want now? She opened her eyes and Sophie glanced around the cell room. No one had noticed her sudden change of emotion yet and she closed them again.
Are you in Ruy's mind by now?
No.... Sophie's breath quickend. How did you-
You honestly think we just left him?
Sophie heart twisted as Fintan continued. Never. I just needed you far away.
Away from what?
Not again.
Not after how careful they had been. Sophie yanked herself from Gethen's mind and stumbled back. There was a crescent of silver in her eyes to mark the tears that hid there.
"No." She whispered.
Keefe was at her side within the minute, wrapping an arm around her and leaning down. "Sophie?"
"A-AMY! Where is she?" Sophie stammered loudly to the room.
Fitz approaches, "Why? What's happened?"
"They have her. They have Amy." Sophie choked out. Please, she thinks, not again.
I can't do this again.
Where is she? Sophie transmitted, voice wavering with begging in every word.
But Fintan's presence was gone.
"No!" Sophie shrieked and her arms lash out. One struck Keefe across the cheek before he caught her hands.
While he held her there, holding her to his chest, the Council ran out to message the Vackers, who had hidden Any. They didn't need to though, Sophie knew Fintan had Amy. Mr. Forkle had retreated to the Black Swan base to let the others know, leaving Sophie, Fitz, and Keefe still in the cell with Ruy.
"I can't do this again. I can't let anyone else be hurt by me." Sophie whispered hoarsely.
"It's not your fault." Fitz offered, stepping close to Keefe and her.
Keefe released Sophie's hands and rubbed his blotchy cheek. Sadly he joked, "Ouch Foster."
They followed the stairs out, leaving Ruy with his twinkling, eyes. Sophie hated how he watched them leave.
He knew this.
They met the Council at the top of the stairs. The Council didn't need to say a word to confirm it. Their faces said enough.
Fintan had Amy. But what did he want?

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