Chapter Nine

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Sophie crashed to the Havenfield grass and spent a moment lying there, sucking in the fresh air that was a grateful taste in her vomit-staled mouth. Sophie had to grip the grass beneath herself to keep from hurling again at the thought of what she had seen. And who had done it.
Sophie simmered in her rage and her hands ripped the grass from underneath her. Sophie took a much needed deep breath and entered her own mind. She tore through the memories tracing her mind's edges until she reached her walls. They disappeared in an instant. Sophie should have just walked right out and yelled his name. But part of her stopped for a second as she stood on the edge of the limbo.
Do you want to do this? She thought.
Sophie answered herself the next second, images of Atlantis refueling her anger again, Yes.
She took a step through and searched the blackness clumping around her. Fintan! Not even her transmitting could hide the raw anger in her voice.
Sophie's emotions lit up again when he answered so nonchalantly, Yes Moonlark?
Sophie spun around trying to find a face to the voice. Fintan, you lying-
So you have heard of Atlantis then. Good, I thought you might.
Sophie was honestly bewildered. How could you even do something like that? The guilt should have broken you years ago.
Fintan was quiet with his answer and Sophie didn't wait. You have killed likely hundreds of people and yet here you stand able to speak to me? You claim you want peace, PEACE?! WHAT KIND OF PEACE IS THIS!
She had never been so loud before, even with Silveny, and she could hear Fintan wince. Good, he deserved it.
Sophie choked back on all the words she wanted to say since they wouldn't help. She only had one more question and she asked it quietly, almost afraid the answer would be too understandable. Why?
This time Fintan had words to say. The Council have been cowards, unable to do what is the right thing. You have seen this first hand! We needed to make an example.
Hundreds of people died you-
They did not die in vain. And you will make sure of it.
Sophie stopped and was suddenly grateful they were only in their minds so he didn't see her face. What did that even mean? He always spoke of some far off legacy, plan, but it never seemed to come. Before she could even begin to speculate what he meant Fintan continued.
Now that's out of the way, I have of my own question for you.
I'll never answer anything. Sophie said bitterly and started back towards her mind. She had to discuss is her friends their conversation.
Fintan suddenly gripped her mind with unseen strength. When you arrived at Atlantis, you went straight to the Hydokinetics along the wall. You offered an ungloved hand to one of them and held it there for a while. Why?
You saw that? Sophie asked, frozen the fear that soaked into her mind. If Fintan found out she was an Enhancer.....
No, she didn't want to imagine what he could do if she enhanced him.
You think we didn't keep spies in the area? But that doesn't matter Ms. Foster, he pushed harder against her, why did you do that?
F-For support. Sophie stuttered out.
Fintan strained a laugh at her lie and batted it away. I'll make you a deal. You tell me if you manifested again, you don't even have to tell me what, and I'll tell you a certain piece of information you would be dying to know if you thought to look for it.
Sophie paused, was it worth it? She wasn't even telling him what ability it was, just confirming it. And whatever he had to tell her must be important enough that he would trade it just for a glimpse at what ability she had.
The Black Swan can't make your decisions forever, tick tock Moonlark.
Sophie hated the drip of Fintan's playful voice. Fine. I did manifest again.
His mind's grip grew loose and Sophie stepped away quickly. That is all I will tell you. Your turn.
Fintan was quiet.
We had a dea-
Yes, yes, I know. The deal. His voice was dull, strange for his character. Although I must warn you that you might be better off not knowing.
Sophie scoffed at his warning, Tell me.
Fintan shrugged and spun out the informtiaon like a story. You remember the plague? The one that took the life of that sweet gnome, Calla was it?
Sophie's anger raised it hackles at Calla's name. And?
I know, I know, it's a sore spot. But you really shouldn't blame me for her death. After all, I wasn't the one who made the plague.
I know, the ogres made it.
Wrong. The ogres didn't make the plague. They blackmailed the original creators for it.
But- Sophie stopped herself. All the signs had told her the ogres made it. What was Fintan getting at?
Then who did?
He paused and then almost as if he enjoyed Fintan said, The Council.

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