Chapter Thirty-One

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This had to be fake.
Sophie's head began to spin as dots of black marred her vision. She could feel her body going suddenly numb as she slumped beside the desk. Anger, fear, surprise, rushed through her veins. Each emotion made her double over and Sophie struggled to stay still as her body shook under the sudden emotional strain.
Fintan was her biological father.
A knock sounded on the door, breaking Sophie away from her shaking ball. Sophie tried desperately to crawl away but it was too late. Mr. Forkle flung opened the door with a pleasant face. Yet, as soon as she saw her lying there and his eyed the file beside her, he slammed the door shut. His eyes were lit up with panic as he stood in a horror-induced stillness for a moment.
"Sophie. Please, I can explain everything!"
Mr. Forkle dashed to her side, trying to wrap his arms around her. Sophie shoved his hands away and stumbled back, "NO! YOU DO NOT GET TO EXPLAIN!"
Mr. Forkle drew himself back but he still stood between her and the door. His voice shook with fear when he spoke, "Please, you have to listen to me."
"I DON'T HAVE TO LISTEN TO WHAT YOU HAVE TO S-SAY!" Sophie's voice broke on the last word and she wrapped her arms around herself as she backed into the office's corner. She just wanted to disappear, to run and run until she forgot everything she knew.
Mr. Forkle started towards her and Sophie's mind panicked as he quickly approached. His mouth opened but Sophie didn't let him have the chance. Mr. Forkle could beg all he wanted, but Sophie wouldn't listen. He let Fintan become her biological father.
He chose him.
And she could never forgive him for that.
Riding on her building rage, Sophie threw her inflicting out and watched Mr. Forkle crumple to the floor. Sophie slumped against the wall as his form convulsed on the ground. She should have ran off, but she waited a second to watch him. Sophie wanted to throw up at the sight but a small part of her relished in it after all he had done.
Stop this. She dug her nails into her arm to cut off her inflicting, drops of blood bursting where she touched. She had to go. By now, everyone had heard her screaming at Mr. Forkle. And the thought of having everyone know what she knew made Sophie want curl up again.
She rushed to the door but the handle wouldn't budge. Mr. Forkle groaned from behind her and Sophie sent a panicked look behind her, jamming the handle down. Sophie stepped back and flung her arms out, blowing the door away with her telekinesis.
Sophie didn't waste anytime. She barreled through and ran without thought. She didn't even look at anything, just let it all fly past her. The trees, the river, everything. Energy pumped into her legs and it felt like she was flying. Sophie felt the cold winds nip at her hot skin. She tried to latch on to the freezing feeling as emotions boiled beneath her like wild creatures.
Why, why did it have to be him?
Suddenly a figure jumped into her view and Sophie tried to doge them. But she was going too fast. Sophie crashed into the figure and they both collapsed to the ground. She was up immediately, especially after seeing who it was.
He grinned up at her from the balcony floor, but at the sight of her expression he scrambled up. Sophie made a move to run but Fitz grabbed her wrist and held fast. "Hey, stop. What's going on Sophie?"
Sophie tried to push him away gently since she could feel herself becoming out of control. The last thing she needed was to hurt Fitz. Fitz's other arm landed on her shoulder and Sophie winced as she shook violently under his arms.
Fitz scooped her up into a hug, and Sophie was surprised to find herself accepting it.
"I don't want to talk." Sophie cried into his ear.
"That's fine." Fitz assured her, strengthening their embrace. "But whatever it is, you can tell me."
Sophie hadn't told him about Oralie last time, and she would never reveal who her father was to anyone. But, she desperately needed to talk with someone, even for just a second. Words to hold on to before she broke her mind trying to imagine the truth.
"I-I found out who my..... biological dad i-is." Sophie whispered, the words sticking to her mouth and coming out slowly.
Fitz loosened and held Sophie in front of him. He read her tear streaked face, scraped arms, and shivering body as easily as he could read her mind.
"I won't ask who it is, but we can still talk if you want." His voice was strong and Sophie clung to his reasoning words.
Her body let out a hiccuped sob and she hugged Fitz again. "It's bad Fitz..." she sobbed into his ear. "I- can't."
Fitz held on to her and tried to catch her gaze. "Whoever it is, they do not get to define you. You are Sophie Foster. No one can change that."
"But this is different. S-so much different. Fitz, I-"
Sophie paused to carefully choose her next words, "I don't believe I can ever get over this. Knowing what I know, it will complicate things for the rest of my life." Sophie held her words in again.
"And I can never forget it." She finished.
Fitz was silent and Sophie used his distracted concern to slip out of his arms. Fitz tried to reach for her but Sophie danced out of his grip. She hugged herself against as she backed up, "I'm leaving. For a while at least. I don't know when I'll come back."
Or if I will.
How could she face them? After everything Fintan has done to her, to them, they will think her a monster. Sophie couldn't let them hate her.
Fitz reached out again with pleading eyes, but Sophie mouthed the words "I'm sorry" and stepped backwards over the railing.
The void crackled beneath her.

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