Chapter Twenty-Two

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It was a week before Sophie felt safe to reach out to Fintan. Livvy's careful eye had started to wander from Sophie to Dex's recovery instead. Now sitting and staring at the blank piece of paper before her, Sophie realized how nervous she was. She had thought about writing a list of things she wanted to achieve, but now Sophie just felt stupid. It was the first time she wanted to reach out with specific intent and suddenly everything had gone blank in her mind.
Though it might have been the mind elixirs. Sophie had dumped the one with her breakfast and already she felt a million times clearer. After a week of that kind of strain on her mind, and with the added weight of keeping it hidden to not draw attention, Sophie felt ready to collapse.
Sophie breathed out, "Okay." Curling the edges of the paper in her fists, Sophie closed her eyes. Fintan wasn't in the mind limbo when she got there, so Sophie had to call for him.
Fintan! Her voice was loud, but level. She had to stay unbothered, trying to match Fintan's usual nonchalant tone.
He arrived within the second. Perhaps he had been waiting for her. Moonlark, it's been a while.
I think we should talk. Sophie bristled at his "pet" name for her, but she could snap at him later.
And I need you back.
Sophie narrowed her eyes, and with intent on every word, made sure Fintan felt her pride in knowledge. Because you don't want me manifesting.
If he was surprised by her knowing, Fintan didn't show it. Finally he slowly responded, Yes.
I want to know how you know about my ability. And what it is.
Fintan's mind expression shifted, Your creators won't tell you?
Don't, Sophie bit back on herself. No. So I'm coming to you.
If you return to us, I can give you the answers you want.
Sophie shook her head, No. I'm not going back Fintan.
If you went into this thinking I would just give you answers, then you sorely underestimate me Moonlark.
Sophie had to admit her plan was shabby but she had one more thing over him. I don't think you want to anger me Fintan. Because you are afraid. Of me. Why? I don't know, but I know you are. I may not manifest, but if I do you'll be the first on my list.
He would always have been the first on her list but Sophie's words still rippled through him like bullets. Fintan drew back slightly into whatever bond Gethen and him had created.
I'll think about it. He said softly, but a steely edge still lined his words.
It wasn't a true victory yet, but Sophie flushed with pride as she drew back to her mind. The dizzy, golden feeling was quickly stamped with the slightly accented voice suddenly in her room.
"Sophie? Who were you talking with?"
Why did he have the ability to show up at the most inconvenient times? Sophie dropped the crumpled paper from her hands and sheepishly smiled. "I wasn't talking to anyone. Just drawing."
Fitz bit his lip distrustfully, "I can tell when you're transmitting. Not to mention I was here for a full minute while you stared off into space. And that paper is blank."
Damn Fitz and his Sherlock skills. Sophie almost thought about blaming on the mind elixir's affect, which her friends vaguely knew of, but then Livvy would find out. And Sophie didn't want to deal with the wrath of Livvy when she realized Sophie hadn't been honest with her.
Sophie picked at her nails to avoid any more slicing gazes, "Just talking with Grady."
Finally Fitz softened. Sophie and Edaline had to leave Grady behind due to his position at Havenfield. Edaline was originally going to stay too, but she found out Della was going and demanded she joined too. "I'm sorry. I should have realized you missed him."
"It's fine." Sophie tucked her bottom lip under her teeth and bit down. It wasn't a lie that she missed him. She did miss Grady, but that concern was unfortunately far down her list.
Fitz ran a hand through his hair and leaned on her desk, "Hey, Mr. Forkle wants us to start our Telepathy training. It's been so long since we've used these rings."
Fitz wiggled his Cognate-ringed finger and Sophie blushed at his ridiculous expression. "Tomorrow?"
"See you then." Fitz grinned then exited.
Sophie breathed out with relief as the door shut. Now all she had to do was get through the Telepathy session tomorrow without revealing her secret conversation and intentions.
This was going to be fun.

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