Chapter Five

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Sophie scraped at sauce lining her plate, intent on keeping her attention away from the two parents beside her desperately holding their tongues. As the fork screeched again, Grady's hand caught hers.
"Do you want more?"
Afraid that if she looked she would have to actually talk to them, Sophie grunted and let Grady take her plate. He topped the meal with another helping of sauce and Sophie reached out to grab the plate.
The ghost whispers rustled.
Sophie froze and immediately Grady lowered himself to her face, "Sophie?"
She kept searching through her mind while she took the plate and mumbled something about being tired. As soon as she sat back down she felt it again. Taking a deep breath, Sophie exited her mind and into the wasteland of the limbo. It wasn't like she couldn't hear him in her own mind, but Sophie felt better being out there with Fintan and away from her memories.
His voice never stopped scaring her.
There you are, I was wondering if you had heard my warnings.
What do you want? Sophie growled, shoving a mouthful of food down.
To talk, naturally. I left you with quite the cliffhanger the other day.
Fintan's tone and word choice reminded her all too much of the Joker and it was starting to freak her out. She scraped up a bite of food and swallowed it, trying to focus on the solidness of her body to keep her grounded.
If all you want to do sprout slander about the Council and distract me then you clearly didn't think your plan through.
Do you really think me to be so simple? This plan has started since you were born. But until the time has come, I need to make sure where your loyalties lie.
Sophie gripped her fork harder, I think we kno-
Before you shut me down, Fintan interrupted, I know you will stick with your creators for now. But that isn't who I'm talking about.
The Council? Sophie guessed.
Well go rant nonsense somewhere else Fintan. We both know where my loyalties lie.
Fintan tsked in her mind, Don't shut me down so quickly. You wouldn't say that so strongly if you knew what I know. Besides, there are other ways of swaying your interests.
Sophie paused mid chew, What?
How is that family dinner? I must say that Edaline is a fabulous cook.
Sophie almost hurled right onto her plate. A sour irony taste filled her mouth and Sophie barely choked down her food before dropping her fork to the floor. Her parents turned towards her but Sophie was already at the windows in the dining room, fingers pushing up against the glass.
Anxiously she scanned Havenfield's pastures, but the shadow of late evening had covered the place in darkness. Sophie suddenly felt a hand on her shoulder and turned around to see Grady's face.
"Sophie, what is it? And don't lie to me."
Sophie didn't even hesitate telling them what Fintan had said. She did leave out their conversation on the Council. The lecture that came with that was too much for her too handle in one night. Besides, she would back the Council no matter what because although they are flawed, they're better than the Neverseen.
I see you've told your parents, do they know about your thoughts on the council?
Fintan may not be able to read her thoughts but he might as well be. Sophie angrily pressed her hands to her temples, "Shut up!
"Sophie?" Edaline asked bewildered.
Sophie heard a knock at the door before she could try to cover up her moment, Elwin strode into the dining room with a grim face. Grady looked especially nervous, which didn't help Sophie. "I hailed him as soon as you told me."
Sophie didn't even protest when Elwin led her to the couches in her living room and starting flashing a blood orange light on her. She just wanted Fintan out of her head and away from her family.
"Before you say anything, I've already brought a few of Foxfire's guards to scan Havenfield. If a Neverseen member was here, they'll know."
But someone was here, Sophie thought. It showed her just how vulnerable she was. Even in her own home. As Elwin continued his flashing lights that would have been a stunning spectacle had the situation not been what it was, Sophie thought back on Fintan's words.
He said the plan has started ever since her birth, but what did that even mean? Sophie didn't think the Neverseen knew about her back then. Why was he so fixated on her loyalty to the Council?
Sure it was a weak point he could try to push, but Sophie knew right from wrong. The Council weren't perfect but they weren't murders like Fintan. Which meant he knew something she didn't, as he had said. What was he even trying to get at?
"I really wish I could do something but these episodes are going to continue I'm afraid. There's no much I can do elixir wise, although...."
Sophie sighed, burrowing down further into her slump on the couch.
Grady wrung his hands at Elwin's words, "What?"
Elwin frowned and handed Sophie a small bottle of Youth, "I think she should visit with Alden. Maybe as a Telepath he could help her block him. For now, it's your best shot."
Sophie nodded and squeezed the pillow from the couch to her chest. Why hadn't she thought of that? Elwin was right, Alden might be her best shot.
But that kind of hope only brought something else. The cloud to every silver lining. If he was her only hope and he failed, what then?

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